How To Keep Your Baby Cool Outdoors – The 7 Best Options

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When it is hot outside, you’re probably sweating to keep cool. You might take a jacket off or change clothes to stay cool. Unfortunately, your young child has worse body temperature regulation than you do and less ability to adapt. That’s why Moms and Dads need to pay attention to their child’s condition and take steps to keep them cool. Here are 7 best options for those who want to know how to keep your baby cool.

01. Shade

You can try sitting in the shade, though this isn’t an option if you’re headed somewhere. You can make shade by putting a sun shade on your stroller. This only provides some relief from the heat, if the child is mostly in the shade. It does nothing if you’re out on a hot humid day.

02. A Mister

A mister allows you to blow cool water on your child. It may be as simple as a spritz bottle you spray when required. It might be more something more advanced, like a dispenser that sprays a gentle mist ever minute or so to help keep your child cool. This can cause problems, such as rashes made worse by damp skin.

03. Stroller Fans

Stroller fans are portable fans designed for use in strollers. For example, they’re child-safe by design, because they’re intended to be used near young children. What is the best stroller fan? It is lightweight enough to mount on a stroller. It delivers a gentle breeze that keeps your child cool. The air flow also helps prevent their skin from getting too damp. It has the side benefit of maximizing air flow inside of the stroller, preventing hot stuffy air that can make it hard for a child to sleep.

04. Wet Towels

Traditional wet towels have the benefit of being something you already own and can make whenever you need them to help keep your child dry. One downside of the wet towel is that the moisture against the child’s skin can create a rash like diaper rash. It can also foster mold growth in the stroller. We don’t recommend using athletic evaporation towels, since these are not always made to be safe if a child puts it in their mouth.

05. Ice Packs

While you can put bags of ice near or next to your child, we don’t recommend it. The cold can burn your child’s skin as badly as extended exposure to the sun. And the bag the ice is in can be a smothering hazard. Child-safe ice packs like child-friendly boo-boo packs are safe to have near your child, but it is only useful if you already had it cold from the freezer when you’re ready to go outside.

06. Hydration

Your child needs to be kept hydrated while you’re outside. You can help keep your child cool by giving them cold milk or ice-filled drinks. The benefit of this approach is that you are keeping the child cool and hydrated at the same time. The problem is that a cold beverage in a baby’s stomach can cause stomach cramps.

07. The Right Outfit

Thick layers will keep a baby warm in the winter, but you’ll cause a baby to overheat if they’re wearing too much clothing or under too many blankets in the summer. You don’t want to have your baby lying in the stroller in just a diaper. They’ll be bit by flying insects and can get sunburned. The solution is to dress them in very thin cotton clothes that let the skin breathe but cover them up.


There are a number of ways you can keep your baby cool, comfortable and healthy. Learn from our tips on how to keep your baby cool, and then choose what works best for you.

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