How To Know If You Need Sex Addiction Help In Everett

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Sex addiction is not easily seen or identified. While the enjoyment of sex is considered to be normal, just how much sex an individual has is hard to place a number on in terms of normalcy. When the mind is addicted to anything, it has the ability to rationalize it and make it seem normal. With that in mind, it is often difficult for individuals to self-diagnose. Below are a couple of signs that one is struggling with a sex addiction. If you are dealing with them, it is important to seek out sex addiction help in Everett, who will be able to help you generate a clearer idea.

One of the first things we need to do is fully understand what a sex addiction is. Sex in this particular case will mean any form of sexual act including pornography, masturbation, developing multiple relationships, or physical copulation. Addiction is usually considered when an individual is compelled to repeat a particular action over and over regardless of the implications and consequences it may lead to. 

Are You Concerned You Have A Sex Addiction? 

Everyone thinks about sex in some from or another, however if you obsess over it, you may have a sexual addiction. There is no set amount of times a person should have sex within a day or a week, and there are a number of social groups that will have various expectations regarding sexual behavior. Every individual is going to have their own sense of what is right and wrong. If you are asking yourself if you have a sex addiction, you need to consider the following three questions. What feels good for you? Do you feel bad after the sexual activity? If you are pushing past your normal boundaries, these are signs of a sexual addiction. 

2) Are Your Sexual Activities Leading To Problems? 

Have you recently cheated on a spouse? Perhaps your boyfriend or girlfriend? Have you obtained an STD on more than one occasion? Have you been reprimanded or even fired at work due to a sexual indiscretion? 

If you have answered yes to any of those questions, that is a key component in determining if you have a problem. If your sexual activities lead to problems in your general life, there is an addiction. Sexual addiction can lead to a number of harmful physical consequences, such as unwanted pregnancies or STDs. Addicts will generally not engage with others for an emotional connection, they simply have a physical need. Over time this can seriously limit an individuals desire to develop emotional bonds For those individuals who are in a relationship, an addiction can add an extra level of stress that can break the relationship. Even if an infidelity is not being committed, a sex addiction may lead your partner away by simply asking too much of them in terms of sexual demands and uncomfortable situations. 

Additionally, one must remember financial matters. Things such as internet porn sites, adult videos and phone sex may show a sign of a sex addiction. By purchasing large amounts of pornographic material and sexual toys can lead to less money for other household expenses.

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