How To Maintain Indoor Air Quality Without Breaking The Bank

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Indoor Air Quality

With the industrial revolution happening in almost all countries, it’s no longer atypical to experience air pollution everywhere. And the sad thing is, it’s penetrating the interiors of your home too. There could be a lot of triggers and contributors to having bad air quality inside your home, and industrial smokestacks are not the only culprit.

Since many families increasingly spend more time at home, it’s even more crucial to retain the air quality of your home. This way, your family and pets can comfortably breathe safely. And before you overthink how expensive maintaining your indoor air quality can be, it’s best to get rid of those thoughts. Thankfully, some preventative maintenances for your indoor air quality won’t have to break the bank. 

Consider applying the tips below:

Invest In Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers reduce and maintain air humidity levels. These appliances prevent mildew and musty odors. Check out this great post to read and discover how a dehumidifier is not really an expensive option for you. In fact, if anything, it actually helps reduce electricity costs. Water is sucked from the air by the appliance. A good dehumidifier can help someone with allergies or live in a humid climate. When your home is located in a damp geographic location, all the more you need to invest in this device. 

Mold, mildew, dust, and other bacterial properties can negatively impact air quality, resulting in respiratory and nervous system diseases with prolonged exposure. Dehumidifiers will prevent all these particles from growing and spreading in the home. When the humidity decreases, they cannot grow, and as a result, air quality improves. You might not consider indoor air quality every day, but poor air quality can have both long-term and short-term health impacts. Hence, investing in a humidifier is the best way to go.

Increase Your Ventilation

Increasing the amount of outdoor air that comes into your home is a surefire way to reduce indoor air pollution. Unfortunately, your HVAC systems may not allow fresh air to seep through inside your home. And with that, you must make efforts to invite outdoor air more often. For example, you can open windows and doors, invest in attic or ceiling fans, or open the vent control of your cooling system to improve indoor air circulation. As for secluded and enclosed areas like bathrooms, installing exhaust fans is best.  

While undertaking short-term activities like minor renovations that cause high pollution levels, it is especially important to ventilate your home. Some paint, solvents, chemicals, and other substances would be left trapped in your home if they’re not ventilated, and these can be potentially hazardous for your family. 

Use Your Range Hood

While it’s essential to make your kitchen look good, it’s even more important to retain good air circulation in it. After all, in addition to grease, smoke, odors, and moisture, cooking also produces moisture. Use your kitchen range hood to keep the air clean during and after cooking. This helps in removing evaporating oil and other air substances. Walls and kitchen cabinets will also be protected from damage. A vented or ducted hood that extracts instead of recirculates is preferable.

As opposed to extracting hoods, recirculating ones filter air through a carbon filter and recirculate it within your kitchen once again. While extracting range hoods are better, the other one should be fine as long as you maintain its upkeep. No matter how short your cooking session will be, make it a habit to turn on your range hood so harmful air pollutants will be vacuumed and released outdoors. 

Clean Your Filters

Throughout the year, your home’s air conditioner works to keep it at the perfect temperature. In doing so, they filter out some of those air pollutants while cycling through all that air. This is the primary job of the air filters, which is why they work a lot every time. Over time, their air filters get clogged and cease to function. Furthermore, it can wear down your AC system, resulting in costly repairs in the future. Therefore, you must check your filters and clean them regularly. Depending on your AC filter’s model, some kinds need to be replaced rather than cleaned.

Clean air isn’t just maintained by your AC filter. Check out other appliances in your home that utilize filters and ensure that they’re also clean and well-maintained. Make sure you check the filters in your other household appliances if you want to improve the air quality in your home. Inspect your kitchen vents, air duct filters, and other household appliances to ensure your filters are in perfect shape. Cleaning or replacing these filters is recommended every few months.


It takes diligence and preventative maintenance to keep the air in your home clean and breathable. With the doable tips mentioned above, you don’t have to shell out large amounts of money to perform such tasks. The key is to habitually execute such steps so your home can finally be void of air pollutants.

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