How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Radiation

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When it comes to protecting your family nothing else will be more important to you. Whether that means you have to travel halfway around the world or empty your bank account, it’s something you would do. What about everything that you can’t see? There are so many things on the planet that are harmful to us and our families, but we don’t give it a second thought. I’m talking, of course, about things like radiation. Something that surrounds us on a daily basis, but we take little to no notice of because it’s not something we are necessarily taught about. Radiation is becoming something we should be more aware of especially if it’s going to affect us and our daily lives, here we take a look at some things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from it. 

Did you know that the devices in your home could be making you sick? Here we talk about how emf protection for your home from harmful radiation.

What Is It? 

First of all, to be able to protect ourselves, we need to understand and teach our family about the dangers of radiation. It’s invisible and has no smell, so how do we know it’s there? Unless we have specific equipment like a Geiger counter we won’t know it’s there so it’s best to just be protected. 

Nearly every human on the planet will have heard of the Chernobyl and this is one type of radiation we don’t want to mess with. This is where an atom of plutonium or uranium splits and releases electron, proton, and neutron beams. This radiation is known as particle radiation and has some drastically severe consequences to humans and animals if exposed to it. Cancer is a very common disease from exposure, and even if you beat that there is a chance of genetic problems if you ever have children. The worst thing that can happen is you can die from extended exposure, and depending on the strength even 20 seconds may cause irreversible damage. Stay away from anything like this, that’s your best way of keeping safe. 

The other kind is electromagnetic radiation, often abbreviated to EM. This radiation is all around us, nearly all of the time unless you’re lucky enough to live in the country away from civilization and without the internet or phones. EM waves are relatively harmless to humans, but should be monitored at all times, luckily there are ways in which we can monitor EM radiation in our homes, so it’s important to find out more about these meters, as it could be the difference between you getting sick and living a long uncomplicated life. Having the ability to see the EM levels in and around your house puts you in complete control of what’s going on and where you need to improve your protection. Read on to find out more about creating a radiation barrier.


Something relatively small you can do within your house is to place plants that are known to absorb EM radiation to draw it away from you. There have been plenty of scientific experiments on this and they prove that certain plants will absorb, to put it simply when a plant absorbs EM waves it heats up the water within the plant and makes it more

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