How To Sleep Better

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Make yourself comfortable

You should always feel comfy when retiring to bed. A huge part of your life is spent in bed. You require an excellent, supportive Ikea mattress, cozy bedding, and great pillows for maximum comfort. This is a worthwhile investment. Make sure you sleep wearing loose pajamas preferably made from a soft, breathable cloth. You can also opt to sleep in no pajamas. Always allow all your body parts to relax by finding a suitable sleep position. Left-side sleeping is recommended by some sources since it promotes circulation, keeps airways clear, and gets rid of heartburn symptoms. 

Turn off electronics before retiring to bed

Electronic devices such as phones, televisions, tablets, and computer screens emit blue light. Light prevents the production and release of melatonin. This more so applies to blue light. Melatonin transmits signals to the body indicating it is time to retire and sleep. The release of melatonin can be achieved by switching off electronic devices an hour before sleep. This guarantees we don’t interfere with our circadian clocks. Software such as physical blue-light filters and f.lux can come in handy if you MUST use your computer before bed. They are designed to cover your computer screen to reduce the intensity of blue light released by your device. Still, many mobile phones come with built-in automated blue light filters, such as the iPhone’s “night shift.” 

Avoid Eating Just Before Your Bedtime

Food digestion is meant to happen in an upright position. You may experience acid reflux when you eat food too close to bedtime. Symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn may manifest when you lay on your bed. Try eating at least three hours before you retire to bed. This helps to guarantee that the food doesn’t cause acid reflux. It is already further along your digestive system. At the same time, hunger pangs may interfere with your sleep. Eating snacks can help you fall asleep. Snacks and foods high in fats and dense proteins are harder to digest. Avoid them completely. Grab some milk with oatmeal, some fruit pieces with a bit of nut butter, or a low-sugar cereal cup.

Don’t take caffeinated beverages at least 6 hours before bedtime

Don’t we all fancy a nice cup of coffee or tea in the morning? Always drink coffee or tea only as a morning beverage! Caffeine is a stimulant. It doesn’t leave your body as soon as you consume it. It stays within your system for a long time. Its potency diminishes in half after 3 to 5 hours. The other half remains active for around 8 to 14 hours. You should avoid taking caffeinated beverages for at least 6 hours before retiring to bed. This helps to prevent sleeplessness and overnight alertness. As a matter of fact, caffeine has more time to wear off if you consume it early in the day. Ensure you consume about two coffee cups (less than 200 mg of caffeine) daily to maintain low caffeine levels.

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