How to Stay Green as a New Parent

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As a new parent, you’re discovering ways to keep both your little one and the planet healthy. However, every new parent can see that there are numerous baby products available on the market that are not safe for the environment, and sometimes not even safe for your little one. 

How can you stay green as a new parent? Here are our top tips for being a sustainable parent as you start your new life with your baby:

  • Let’s start with diapers. Diapers are going to be numerous because that’s just how babies are. When it comes to the traditional diapers on the market, there’s a whole lot of waste you’re going to create. What can you do? After all, your baby needs diapers. Fortunately, there are various eco friendly diapers that are made out of sustainable materials. Plus, these materials are also safer for your baby.
  • How do you wash your clothes? As a couple, you may already wash your laundry frequently. When you add a baby to the household, your laundry could double. If you are concerned about saving energy, consider using the cold water setting instead of the hot one. Let’s not forget how this can also help you save money on your electric bill.
  • Grow your own produce. This will help eliminate the purchase of foods wrapped in plastic from your grocery store while also decreasing the demand for products that require travel. You’ll also be saving a ton of money by not buying produce or driving to the store. Planting a garden full of your favorite veggies is something that you can get the whole family involved in. You’ll be able to teach your kids green practices that they can use when they’re older.
  • Pack your snacks. Packing snacks can help you do two things. First, you’ll be able to make sure you’re providing your children with healthy snacks, so you don’t have to pick up unhealthy items while out and about. Secondly, this also helps eliminate the need for packaged snacks, which leads to unnecessary waste. A lot of children’s snacks are packaged individually, so consider where you could shop to eliminate this practice. For example, you could purchase fruit snacks from an eco-friendly company that uses biodegradable packaging. Or you can buy in bulk to prevent the use of individual packages. It may sound difficult, but you’ll be able to make your child’s snacking habits greener in no time.
  • Make a practice of riding bikes. Is there a nearby park you all like to go to? Instead of hopping in the car to drive a short distance, jump on your bicycles instead. Not only is it good for the planet, but it’s also good for all of you. While you may not be able to do this with a baby, consider a stroller that hooks up to your bike as they get older.
  • Invest in great water bottles for the whole family. Water is a must for everybody, but using plastic water bottles whenever you’re thirsty shouldn’t be. To make sure that the whole family is drinking all the water they need and caring about the environment, invest in top-notch bottles that keep the water cool for a long time. This will help your family eliminate a lot of plastic waste and save money.

Final Thoughts

Going green requires you to make some changes. However, when you realize you’re raising children that care about the planet, it’s more than worth it. From snacks to how often you use the family car, these tips above can help you start a green lifestyle as a family.  

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