How to Stay in Shape After Giving Birth

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Getting into shape is not always easy. Staying in shape can be just as difficult. Now imagine having to do that right after a pregnancy, and you might think this is impossible. But if you’re a mom that has just given birth, or know a new mom, and now have your sights on getting back into shape, be confident in knowing that is it possible with a little perseverance and patience. In no time, you’ll be back into shape. Following the steps below is a great start.

Have a More Organized Schedule

One of the big things and the first things you’ll have to fight against is the fatigue that may come with being a new mom. Having a newborn in your life means plenty of sleepless nights, lots of finding time in the day to nap just to re-energize, and trying to maintain some semblance of a routine. You may not feel like the boss at times and you may be too tired to fight back. Healthier choices and a more organized schedule will help alleviate the stress and fatigue you’ll have to deal with.

Friends and Family time

As a new parent, you may want to have friends and family over to share in the joy that you have. But it is important to note you won’t have much time to relax when taking care of a new baby.  So for the first few weeks, you’ll want to limit the number of visitors you have. Of course, you can’t say no every time, and you won’t want to. But it is important to maintain the right balance of having people around and having your own time.

Get Some Help

Parenthood is not a one-person job. Not to say that there aren’t people out there doing it on their own or that they’re any worse for doing so. But in most cases, you’ll have a partner with you, and if you do, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are lucky to have someone to help take care of your new baby, work together to make things easier on each other. You’ll both find that working together will leave you both with a little more energy than going it solo. Or the two of you will at least share in the fatigue. If you don’t have a partner, family and friends can be a great support group and circle to get the help that you should not hesitate to ask for if needed.

Start Exercising

You may want to start exercising at some time after birth. This should be something you reintroduce yourself to once you’ve gotten comfortable with you and your child’s routine. You don’t have to start out running marathons out the gate, but you’ll want to get active when you can. Keep in mind to choose activewear with leak-proof technology, as it helps get rid of sweat odor and to stop leaking during your sweatiest of sweat sessions. It will also keep yourself feeling confident in order to continue reaching your fitness goals. Whether that’s taking your child out for walks around the block, or even just around your home, you can start out small to get your body used to it. Once you get your energy back, you’ll be able to start taking classes if you want to and get that sweat pumping into overdrive. This will go together with building your endurance and staving off fatigue.

Diet and Weight Loss

Now that the baby is here, you can change your diet to something healthier. It’s time to cut out all those cravings you might have had during your pregnancy, especially the high sugar and salt foods. The right balance of food groups is important to a healthy diet. As much as anyone coming off a pregnancy might want to jump the gun on their diet, the last thing you should do is involve any form of starvation or similar fad diets. Weight loss is a long process that shouldn’t be rushed as you can be more susceptible to health risks from drastic weight changes. Simply altering and slowly changing your food intake will slowly help your diet goals. Have patience throughout this process. It can take 3 to 6 months for new moms to get back into shape so don’t be discouraged if you’re not losing weight as quickly as you’d like. Check out this article for the best protein powders during pregnancy.

Hair and Skin Care

You may not have given your hair and skin the most attention when you were pregnant. Once you start getting back into the swing of things, if you want to, you can now look into care options to revitalize your hair and skin, and start up a skincare routine that fits your new mom-friendly schedule.

With these tips and guidelines, you’ll find yourself reinvigorated and more energized. Use your resources, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance, even superheroes need some help sometimes.  Stay patient and keep to a healthy and organized routine and you’ll be back in shape in no time.

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