How to Stay Popular in the Google Nonprofit World

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We have to make the world a better place.

Today, there are more and more nonprofit organizations being created. Their growing number has led to competing for limited donors. That’s why even small and new nonprofits are relying on SEO to assist their initiatives. 

But, how can your nonprofit stay popular with Google?

The answer is implementing the right SEO strategy. Nonprofits have to optimize their website to become distinct in the overcrowded webspace.

Here are some strategies to make your nonprofit organization rank higher on Google search.

Source: Unsplash
  1. Keyword Research for Relevant Quality Content

Your website content will make or break your SEO rank. Every SEO expert, and in any content marketing strategy, quality content is always mentioned. That’s how crucial it is in your search engine rankings.

If you are unsure where to start in writing quality content, it is by doing keyword research. Begin with the keywords or search terms that are relevant to your nonprofit. 

Use keyword research tools. The keyword difficulty metric will determine which keywords have the best opportunity to rank.

Use the relevant keywords in writing good quality content. Connect with your audience through your posts. You can tell the story, mission, and vision to help them understand more of the organization. Moreover, you can share your achievements to attract more volunteers and investors.

It is not easy to create and manage content. You need to have tools to organize all the data. Not to mention, you have to manage donations and memberships. Google for Nonprofits is the best valuable resource for nonprofit organizations. It has several tools and services that help nonprofits reach a wider audience. 

Using Google for Nonprofits makes productivity and sharing messages easier. Moreover, it provides free Google Ads through ad grants.

  1. User-Friendly Website: Easy Navigation

Be honest. If a website structure is complicated, you won’t bother going through more of it, right? It’s the same with your target audience as a nonprofit organization. If they don’t see the

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