How To Wake Up Every Day Full of Energy

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Do you find that you can’t function in the morning until you’ve downed a gallon of coffee? Do you feel sluggish for the first part of the day and want to change things? Far too many people make sleeping mistakes every day or have a morning routine that starts with hitting the snooze button repeatedly just so they can get five more minutes. If you want to wake up every day feeling more refreshed and fuller of energy, here are some tips that could see your sleeping routine start to work for you. Don’t keep making the same mistakes when it comes to your mornings when there are solutions that could make the morning the most productive part of your day.

Sleep Well

The better your sleep, the more likely that you’ll wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to launch into the day. There is a lot of sleeping advice available, but the key factors to consider are:

  • Avoid caffeine after lunch
  • Don’t drink alcohol after dinner
  • Ensure that your bedroom is a comfortable temperature
  • Don’t exercise at night
  • Use a custom-made night guard made by Houston night guard specialist Best Dental to reduce snoring or teeth grinding
  • Avoid staring at screens for up to two hours before bed

The better your night of sleep, the more likely that you will wake up fully energized and ready to hit the ground running.

Live by the Alarm

Stop hitting the snooze button. It’s essential to develop a sleeping pattern so that your body knows how much rest it’s going to get. If you can get yourself out of bed at the same time every day (and yes, that includes the weekends), then you will find that your body will then let you know when it’s time to go to bed. It’s all about developing a healthy routine that matches your sleep needs. If you keep hitting snooze, then your sleep will be fitful and fragmented, which will result in you waking up feeling drained and tired. If you find that hitting snooze is too easy, then move your alarm to the other side of the bedroom, or try one of the many alarm clocks that encourage immediate wake-ups.

Eating and Drinking

Try to avoid caffeine first thing in the morning, no matter how sluggish you feel. While the occasional cup of coffee is fine (and even healthy), you will find that you will wake up more quickly if you have a large glass of cold water. Not only does this help to rehydrate your body after long hours of no liquids, but it also helps to flush out your system too. Cold water is also great for making you feel more positive about the day to come (and helps to get rid of that horrid ‘dry mouth’ feeling too). Avoid the energy drinks and the coffee for a month and see how much your mornings are transformed.

The morning can be the most productive and satisfying part of your day, as long as you take steps to avoid those bad habits that you’ve developed. Sleeping right is essential, but there are lots of ways to ensure that waking up ready to face the day is the norm rather than an unexpected pleasure.

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