How You Might be Damaging Your Plumbing System Unknowingly

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Your home’s plumbing system is a world of challenges. As a home-improvement enthusiast you may already have a steady love-hate relationship with the plumbing issues.

We can understand that sometimes frustration builds up when things go wrong even when you’ve been doing everything right. You must feel awful when plumbing problems go out of hand. We absolutely feel with you. Let’s ponder over a few things you might have overlooked, things that may be damaging your plumbing system.

Flushing irresponsibly

All the stuff that you may be flushing down the toilet can lead to absolute disaster for your plumbing. We are talking about feminine hygiene products, diapers, and anything else you may fancy.

The toilet is meant to flush only one thing. That’s human waste. Okay, biodegradable toilet paper too. But that’s it. You dump anything other than these and you risk a major clog in the drain. This may further lead to leakages and backup.

Ignoring maintenance

Ask any house owner who doesn’t feel terrified of plumbing issues, what’s the secret of their confidence. You’ll get a straightforward answer – timely and regular maintenance of the plumbing system by 5 Star Plumbing agencies.

If you ignore preventive maintenance, you are bound to encounter costly repairs and numerous replacements. Take our advice – the benefits of small expenses on maintenance weigh a lot more than the hassle you might assume them to be. Make sure you always call a licensed plumber for these services.

Drainage abuse

Sometimes it appears that people treat their drains worse than the toilets. Not only they don’t clean and unclog drains regularly, but they also dump in all sorts of inappropriate things.

You want to know the things that should never go down the drain? Leftover food, fruit and vegetable peels, tea and coffee residue and hair. Also refrain from downing grease and cooking oil which could build up in a fatberg.

Using chemical cleaners

While we’re discussing the list of things that you shouldn’t put in the drain, let’s add another one to the list. Using chemical cleaners for clearing clogs and cleaning drains is an absolute “no-no”. These chemicals can erode the pipelines and also harm the environment.

Ignoring aged appliances

Water-based appliances have a limited life span. And let’s not forget they need regular repair and maintenance too. If you let old appliances with faulty components function till doomsday, you run the risk of damaging your home plumbing in the long run. Just make regular inspections and be vigilant of these appliances and replace them if they appear run down.

Letting wild roots take over

Do you have huge trees in the backyard or near your home? If these trees’ roots are running wild, they’ll probably be reaching out to your home’s pipeline for a water source. Tree roots can lead to clogs and leaks in the sewer line and cost you a lot of repairs. If you suspect roots intruding your sewer, you should get an expert for inspection.

Avoiding winter precautions

Extreme cold and the drop in temperature can cause exposed pipes to freeze and burst. Water in the pipelines can freeze when the outside temperature goes down below 20 degrees Fahrenheit and remains low for more than six hours. If you live in a region with such extreme climate, you should take proper precautions to avoid pipe burst.

Attempting DIY repairs

We can understand the feeling of accomplishment that comes from attempting DIY repairs and hacks. But some plumbing matters require proper skill and expertise. If you mindlessly attempt every hack suggested by friendly bloggers, you can escalate the problem further. Know your limitations and call a plumber for complex repairs and installations.

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