Ideas For Fireplace Glass Replacement That Bring Everlasting Comfort

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The presence of fireplaces in homes throughout the centuries have provided families with warmth and comfort. In the current modern setting, fireplaces enhance the visual appeal by making them the home’s focal point.

Glass has become an essential part of interior d or in the home. It is so versatile that it can be incorporated into every room in the house and have it fit right in. Upgrading fireplaces with fireplace glass have become popular and a trend in interior decoration.

Fireplace glass doors not only improve the appearance of the home but also provide other benefits like safety and efficiency, amongst others.

When Is the Fireplace Glass Door Replacement Needed?

There are many reasons why now may be the best time to upgrade your fireplace with a fireplace glass door.

  1. Improved home safety:

An open fireplace is a potential threat, especially in a home where there are children. When the furnace is open embers, and sparks from the burning wood can land onto the floor in the living room. Sparks and embers can cause considerable damage and can even lead to a fire outbreak. 

A fireplace glass door prevents this by keeping embers and sparks right there in the fireplace where the wood is burning.

Also, an open fireplace is especially dangerous, where there are toddlers and children. A fireplace glass door would be an excellent way to keep toddlers and children out of the fire, keep yourself at peace, and prevent your curious toddler from venturing into a dangerous adventure in the fireplace. 

  1. Enhanced beauty and style:

Fireplace glass doors are available in a variety of styles, sizes, and shapes. The availability of different options makes it easy to opt for one that compliments the overall décor theme of the home and also add some beauty and style as well.

Also, open fireplaces expose the burnt log and unburnt one, which gives a shabby look to the home. A fireplace glass door will conceal this leaving your home beautiful and neat.

  1. Efficient home heating

Some may argue that a traditional fireplace adds more beauty to the home, apart from the fact that glass fireplace doors improve home beauty, the open system makes for an inefficient home heating. In an open fireplace, only 10% of the burning wood is converted to heat that is useful for the home. 

Installing a glass door can triple the amount of heat useful for the home that is converted from the burning wood.

Things to Consider Before Replacing Your Fireplace Glass Door

We are now familiar with why glass doors are the way to go for fireplaces. Before making the jump to glass doors, below are some factors to consider when replacing or updating to fireplace glass doors:C:\Users\EliteBook\Downloads\rc1699.jpg


A vital knowledge that will guide you into choosing the correct glass door fit is knowing the type of fireplace you have in your home. There are two major types of fireplaces – Factory-built fireplace and the Masonry fireplace. 

Masonry fireplaces are fireplace structures built with cement, brick, or natural stones that are put together with a bonding agent.

Factory-built fireplaces are structures built with metal and a combination of air-cooled pipes, insulated walls, and blowers to circulate heat produced by the fire.


Now that you know the fireplace type that you have in your home, it is time to get an accurate or estimated size of the fireplace. Getting the right glass door fit for your furnace is very important, and knowing the size makes sure you are doing just that. 

Also, determining the size of your fireplace lets you know if you will be going for a custom fireplace glass door or a stock one. Whichever one it is, Fab Glass and Mirrors got you covered. 


Once you are particular about the size of the fireplace in your home, it’s time to choose a favorite fireplace glass door style. Fireplace glass doors are obtainable in a variety of styles and sizes that will complement any décor style present in the home. 

Along with your preferred style, depending on where you are getting your glass door from, you will also be able to choose the desired color. You can get this at Fab Glass and Mirrors. Frame finishes, screen mesh, riser bars, handles amongst others are other options that may be included.

Guidelines to Ease Replacing Process of Fireplace Glass Door

Below are some tips that will make replacing your fireplace glass doors easier.

  • When replacing glass doors on the old masonry fireplace, be careful when drilling to prevent breakage.
  • Drill into the brick when drilling holes for a glass door unit and not the mortar.
  • To prevent the glass door from getting damaged, never lay it on its front.
  • To prevent the anchor from loosening up, take care, not to over tighten the screws of the glass door.
  • Move the glass doors gently after placement to check if it is properly in place or if it feels wobbly. If it’s shaky, check the door to make sure all screws are in the right places.
  • Clean the glass door with a rag or cleaner to get rid of debris. Avoid using an oven cleaner to prevent etches on the glass door. 

Types, Designs, and Versatility of Glass Used for Fireplaces

The two main fireplace glass door types are:

  • Tempered Fireplace Glass

It is also called safety glass. It is produced to be less responsive to heat and high temperatures. It can withstand a maximum temperature of 400-500-degree Fahrenheit. 

This type of fireplace glass is produced through a system of extreme heating and rapid cooling, making it better at temperature stability compared to regular glass. 

It is preferred that tempered glass be used as a screen for the fireplace instead of a door as a result of increased heat that comes with the burning of traditional wood and gas fireplaces.

It can only be used as a fireplace glass door when the fire will be away from the door at a distance of more than six inches. 

  • Ceramic Fireplace Glass

This type of fireplace glass is made specifically for high heat and high-temperature environments. It is the same type of glass used on cooktops with glass and stoves. 

It should be used in places where the temperature and heat level may exceed 500-degree Fahrenheit apart from fireplaces.

It can withstand a temperature of up to 1400-degree Fahrenheit and can deal with rapid temperature changes. 

The fireplace glass door types mentioned above are available in a variety of styles and designs. If you are looking for a store with different options and selections, shop for your fireplace glass at Fab Glass and Mirrors.

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