Important Benefits of Breastfeeding For You and Your Baby

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Breast milk is the best; most nutritious and most beneficial milk for your little bundle of joy, no other milk can replace or even come close to breast milk in benefits. The formula milk tins have also clearly stated that on the products that it’s not a replacement for the breast milk, it’s just an alternative, in case of not nursing the child. The World Health Organization, the American Academy of Paediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists all very strongly recommend and urge all mothers to exclusively feed their babies for at least the first 6 months.

 No formula milk, water or juice should be a part of the diet of the baby, just pure mother’s milk. If any mother thinks otherwise then she must be given full information regarding the benefits of nursing, like we’re going to do in this article. Any hindrance like low milk supply can be easily fixed by breast milk supplements, but the option of not feeding should be written off immediately. If we scale up globally then about 820000 babies will survive every year just because they are breast fed and their immune system is able to fight. If we ponder over it then this is a very compelling and bone-chilling argument.

Breastfeeding a baby is totally up to the mother as it’s a very demanding, self-sacrificing and draining job to say the least. But on the other end of the tunnel, the assurance of a healthy baby is equally alluring. Many people tend to influence this decision and flood the newly and mind you already overwhelmed mother with oodles of information that may or may not be true. The fears of a weak baby, low milk supply, hungry baby, sore breasts and mastitis may shake any mother’s grounds but don’t just give up your baby’s health so easily. Many of these problems go away with the right steps like to increase milk supply, mothers just have to feed often or have breast milk supplements.

Breast milk is god’s miracle according to me, as it changes with the needs of the baby and is basically the essence of everything good and healthy that a mother eats in a day. Breastfeeding story of every mother is different as every baby is unique, so don’t make assumptions and jump the gun, it’s about your baby’s health and no mother wants to compromise on that. In this article I will tell you about the wide-ranging and highly beneficial advantages of breastfeeding, not only for the baby but for the mothers as well so stay tuned.

Benefits for the Baby

Firstly, breast milk has every possible thing that a baby might need for the first 6 months. Staring from the thick, yellowy colostrum that comes on the first day after delivering the baby, this milk is there for 1-2 days. It’s packed with proteins and helps in developing the immature digestive system of the little one. Mother’s milk is also crammed with antibodies that makes the baby stronger and doesn’t let him succumb to viruses, bacteria and other viral infections. The high amounts of immunoglobulin A helps the baby fight diseases like diarrhoea, pneumonia, chicken pox and fever by forming a shield of protection in the nose, digestive system and throat, amazing right?

Breast milk is designed to protect, nourish and sustain the baby. Full of live ingredients like white blood cells, stem cells, beneficial bacteria, antibodies, enzymes and hormones, breast milk prevents infections and diseases while keeping the baby healthy and happy. Formula milk is heavy and hard to digest thus causing colic and cranking babies. On the other hand, breast milk is light and easy to digest which makes bowel movements easy and baby light. Other illnesses like urinary tract infection, gastroenteritis, ear and respiratory infections are also eliminated when the child is breastfed exclusively.

Breast milk ensures a steady increase in weight that doesn’t lead to any obesity. Formula milk, if given in heavy quantities can cause obesity, lethargy and an increase in appetite in babies. Breast milk helps in developing good gut bacteria which affects fat storage. Breast fed babies have more leptin in their system, a hormone that regulates appetite and fat storage. Breast milk makes the baby feel fuller; they can self-regulate their hunger that promotes healthy eating patterns. If mothers feel that the child is not satisfied after the feeding session then they can include breast milk supplements in their diet to increase milk supply.

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is a parent’s nightmare, although unclear of the relation but it is seen that breast fed babies are less likely to be victims of this. Another amazing benefit of breast milk is that the vaccines work even more efficiently and are more responsive to babies who are on mother’s feed than formula-fed babies. The skin-to-skin contact of the mother and baby makes a bond that is way stronger than the one formed with the formula fed ones. Not that the bond isn’t strong, but the smell, the touch and the warmth of the mother is unbeatable.

Babies, who are breastfed for a year, can have a higher IQ level in later years of life. They will be smarter and more intelligent. Research also shows that their social skills will be better and are less likely to develop any behavioural problems.

Benefits to the Mothers

Mothers who decide to breastfeed their little ones are not only doing a big kindness to the little one but also to themselves. Breastfeeding lowers postpartum depression, reduces the risks of breast cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, helps the mother to reduce weight, helps the uterus to return to its original size and it saves a lot of time and money.

Take Away Points  

With a bulk of benefits and hardly any disadvantage there shouldn’t be any reason for abandoning it, barring any medical reason preventing it. Yes it’s a nuisance, mothers have to go to great lengths but it will be all worth it at the end.   

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