Instagram Followers – How to Find Quality & Quantity on the Platform

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There are over a billion users currently on the Instagram platform. That number will inevitably continue to rise. Instagram has connected our world in ways that we could never have previously imagined. People tend to use various boosting services. Anyway it is advised to read all the reviews before purchasing any kind of boosting service for your Instagram. Accounts from the U.S become viral obsessions in Japan, and an influencer from India can start a trend that spreads like wildfire in Canada. It is a powerful tool that an entrepreneur needs to learn how to properly utilize. A few ways to make sure you are attracting quality and not just quantity followers are about the depth of the content you are creating and the meaningful interaction you have with your followers about that content.

Captions that Compel Feelings & Actions

When users interact on Instagram, they are drawn in by beautiful photos, clever hashtags, and videos. These all make them want to dig deeper and learn more about the creator of that content. A user finding your page on Instagram is the first goal. The second goal is getting them to click the Follow button, to remain a follower, and to use word-of-mouth to their friends so that you gain even more followers. Yes, pretty pictures are the first step, but your captions need to have more meaning and draw a feeling and call for action from your followers. People look for a community of like-minded people or their goal of who they would like to become. Your captions send a powerful message and will help you consistently gain and keep quality Instagram followers. Think about utilizing the three tactics below in your captions to provoke thought and response from users.

  • Personal stories that show you are relatable to your followers.
  • Questions that initiate answers in the comment section.
  • Tag-a-friend posts that suggest your followers share your message with others.

Everybody Needs a Little Help from Their Friends

Creating compelling engagement-centric content is a sure-fire method to ensure the users who find your account are there for the right reasons and because they are looking to be a part of the online community you are building. Yes, this can take some time. Several websites have become part of the mainstream Instagram culture to help businesses and influencers find the quality and quantity followers that will help them succeed. PathSocial is an example of one of these websites. They are not a pay-to-play situation with a mass number of purchased followers. They are different. PathSocial is a media agency whose goal is to affordably drive the organic growth of your Instagram following. You provide them with your targeted demographic information, including age, location, and gender. They use all that information to grab your intended audience’s attention and direct real, high-quality followers to your account. 

Conversations & Comments – Engagement Enhances Experience

Instagram followers tend to feel an intense amount of loyalty to the businesses and individuals they believe engage with them on a personal level. For your account to retain a solid following that will steadily increase organically with new followers, you want to foster what feels like a friendship with your followers. Engaging positively in your comments section and responses to direct messages will create a sense of relationship with your followers. It cannot be understated and is something you want to make sure you are taking full advantage of on the platform. Authentic engagement consists of more than just liking a follower’s comment on your post. Reply to them and thank them. Better yet, say something that a friend would say to another. Tell them you appreciate their comment or that you feel the same way when they react to a post. There is no greater positive influence on how a follower sees you and your business than the feeling of genuine connection.

Instagram will continue to explode in our social media-dominated world. You have the ideas and the drive to take your account and business to a success level that you may not have dreamed possible. Do not miss out on that opportunity by not harnessing the basic human instinct we have to connect. Look into working with a website like PathSocial to drive quality followers to your account. Once they are there, treat them like old friends. Engage and interact authentically, and you will see the numbers under your Followers tab steadily increase each day.

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