My Interview With Mia Hamm & LeapFrog LeapBand Giveaway! #FitMadeFun

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Disclosure: I am receiving free product in exchange for my post. All opinions, as always, are 100% my own!My Interview With Mia Hamm & LeapFrog LeapBand Giveaway! | Optimistic Mommy

If you follow me on Facebook, a couple of weeks ago you probably saw that I got to do something pretty cool – interview retired soccer star Mia Hamm! The occasion for this was her involvement with Fit Made Fun Day with LeapFrog on September 6th. This fun day on September 6th in Los Angeles was an exciting event where parents and children got to come and help break some records! Check out my interview to find out more about National Fit Made Fun Day and Mia’s partnership with LeapFrog!

I am super excited about LeapFrog’s LeapBand because fitness is oh-so essential for a healthy lifestyle. LeapFrog has made it super fun for kids to get up and get active with the only fitness tracker available for kids. Kids will learn healthy habits by feeding their customizable pet healthy snacks and learning about nutrition with fun facts. They’ll also bathe, feed and groom them to learn more points and unlock pet accesories. They can also extend the play by earning points and unlocking play on other devices – and earn rewards on other devices that sync back to LeapBand! The fun is vitually limitless!

There’s a lot of great features that parents are probably going to be interested in:

  • Parent Controls – You are able to set school and quite time modes.
  • Rechargeable Battery – You don’t have to keep buying batteries!
  • Water Resistant – Splash and sweat-proof!

Your children are sure to love the LeapFrog LeapBand. I know I wish I had one of these when I was little! And you have the opportunity to win one! Woo hoo! To enter, simply use the Rafflecopter form below. This great giveaway ends on October 5, 2014 at 11:59pm EST. Good luck to all who enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. We have a big fenced yard so at least a couple times a day we get out there and run around and just have fun. Since he’s still a toddler that seems to work out best for us 🙂

  2. Tonnyo Wright says

    My children are all grown, but my grand kids get plenty of exercise.

  3. Linda Bradshaw says

    go outside with them or take them to the park

  4. We have them ride their scooters or bikes

  5. jeanette sheets says

    take them on hikes and parks to walk and we try to play sports ,

  6. shelly peterson says

    We go to the park to run around and play and go for walks.

  7. Heather Kenville says

    Making it fun and joining in with him

  8. Go to the park or put the 1 year old outside and tell the 15 and 9 year old to go play with the baby. Lol

  9. I make sure to participate with them. We purposefully bought a home on some acreage so our boys could have plenty of space to run, play, explore and so on 🙂

  10. Tammi Schneiderman says

    We don’t have a usable backyard but my boys are signed up for sports so they have practice twice an week and games Saturday. When one brother practices the other plays with friends at practice. Lots of fun!

  11. Angela Marshall says

    So excited for this! My girls (and me) are HUGE leapfrog fans! Their toys are amazing. They are fun, educational and timeless. You can keep them forever for many kids to enjoy.

  12. Janice Cooper says

    Go to the park and walk

  13. Chrystal Thayer says

    I lover leap frog things. Have been getting them since my kids were little know I get them for my nieces and nephews.

  14. Chrystal Thayer says

    I love leap frog things. Have been getting them since my kids were little know I get them for my nieces and nephews.

  15. We make sure the kids get an equal amount of outdoor activities such as swimming, bike riding & park play as they do working on indoor reading, computer time and of course sleeping enough hours.

  16. MaryEllen Suvie (Morris) says

    Great giveaway!!!

  17. My son loves anything Leap pad and never leaves the house without his leap pad explorer

  18. We go outside in the back yard and play or go to the park.

  19. We on go bike rides all the time 🙂

  20. Amanda Buccieri says

    We do yoga, cardio, dancing & play outside!

  21. Amanda Jacobs says

    Almost every morning I take my two year old to the park. She runs around with all the other kids. Her favorite thing right now is picking up ALL the leaves in the park!

  22. brandi hawn says

    i make my kids play in the back yard for at least an hour everyday 🙂

  23. Kyndal Smith says

    Make sure they have as much outside playtime in the spring and summer as they can get. In the fall and winter its a little harder but we still try to do some activities indoor such as dancing silly together and games of hide and seek.

  24. I make sure they spent time out side each day. Riding bikes , walkings going to the park.

  25. We try to do things together

  26. Amy bavier bartley says

    We enroll our kids into sports baseball, basketball, etc. then we encourage outside play whenever possible, bikes, scooters, baseball,basketball, tag… kids prefer to run around. My son is asking fir this for Xmas would be great to win it.

  27. We do lots of things together. Lots of fun and good for all of us

  28. Janae Metz says

    she just got a new swingset, so i encourage playing on it as much as possible

  29. Brittiany Dixon-Taylor says

    My never stop…we walk 2 miles every still want run a jump ever change they get


  1. […] fun while being active without thinking about it. �You can read more about this great product on Optimistic Mommy, along with her great interview with retired soccer star Mia […]

  2. […] fun while being active without thinking about it. You can read more about this great product on Optimistic Mommy, along with her great interview with retired soccer star Mia […]

  3. […] fun while being active without thinking about it. You can read more about this great product on Optimistic Mommy, along with her great interview with retired soccer star Mia […]

  4. […] ago I was lucky enough to do an interview with Mia Hamm about her partnership with LeapFrog for Fit Made Fun Day. �Make sure to go back and check that out if you haven’t […]

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