Invisalign Versus Braces: Which is Better?

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Did you know that nearly 25% of American adults live with untreated tooth decay and about 50% of them present signs of gum disease? Oral health problems are prevalent all over the world and some of the most common issues include misaligned teeth as well. Luckily, it’s possible to treat misaligned or crooked teeth by wearing braces. At Modern Orthodontics, we understand the importance of getting braces, and make sure your smile will be handled with the upmost care.

However, there’s an ongoing debate between Invisalign versus braces. Which one of these treatment options is better and why? Invisalign is a newer technology with promising results, but is it better than wearing regular metal braces? Keep reading this article to find out more about Invisalign vs braces.

Considering the Cost Factors

You might be happy to find out that both these dental treatment options cost approximately the same. Patients should expect to pay several thousand dollars for a full Invisalign or metal braces treatment, depending on various factors. For example, your location, dentist, state, and the size of your teeth problem can determine the actual cost of the treatment.

Fortunately, most insurance companies cover these dental treatments, so it’s possible to deduct up to 50% of the total cost using your health insurance policy. Make sure that you discuss this with your insurance agent and find out if Invisalign or normal braces qualify for a deduction.

Invisalign Provides a Clear Appearance

One of the main reasons why people opt for Invisalign braces over regular braces is because they’re invisible. Getting Invisalign is easy and these braces are made from durable, clear plastic. You cannot tell if a person is wearing them, even if he/she sits next to you. This makes Invisalign so attractive to patients. These braces essentially eliminate the feelings of self-consciousness and awkwardness associated with wearing braces.

On the other hand, regular braces are clearly visible. They consist of brackets placed on each tooth and a metal wire surrounding them. They are as effective as Invisalign when it comes to straightening your teeth, but patients should become comfortable with the idea of having visible braces in their mouths. 

Treatment Duration Can Be Different

There’s a slight difference between the treatment duration with Invisalign compared to regular braces. For example, those who go for Invisalign might require treatment for a period between 12 and 18 months. Patients who choose metal braces might need to wear them for a period between 12 and 36 months.

However, there’s also a debate over patient compliance when it comes to Invisalign. One of the greatest advantages of these clear braces is that they can be taken off when the patient eats. They should be put back on immediately afterward. If the patient forgets to put the Invisalign braces back on, the efficiency of the treatment decreases. As a result, the patient might need to wear Invisalign braces for longer, to compensate for those moments when the braces were not used.

Traditional Braces Might Be More Effective for Complex Dental Issues

Both Invisalign and regular braces can be used for a wide variety of dental problems. For example, they can be used for overly crowded teeth, crossbites, underbites, gapped or crooked teeth, etc. However, if a patient has severe dental problems, a metal brace might be more effective. That’s because this type of treatment ensures a more secure teeth hold and it can be more efficient at straightening teeth.

You Have No Food Restrictions When Wearing Invisalign

If you wear normal braces, you might need to be careful with certain foods while avoiding others completely. For example, hard foods including apples and popcorn should be avoided. So do sticky foods that might remain trapped between your teeth and the metal wire. White bread and different types of sugary foods should also be avoided because they might deteriorate your metal braces.

On the other hand, patients wearing Invisalign don’t have any food restrictions. That’s because they can simply take off their braces while eating and put them back on after finishing a meal. It’s very important to remember to put the braces back on and as long as patient compliance is ensured, Invisalign is more advantageous in this case.

It Might Be Easier to Brush Your Teeth If You Have Invisalign

As mentioned earlier, Invisalign braces can be easily taken off. This is a huge relief when you need to brush or floss your teeth. The plastic braces can also be cleaned with warm water and basic cleaning products recommended by your dentist.

On the other hand, wearing metal braces can make your life slightly more difficult in terms of oral hygiene. You need to be careful when brushing or flossing your teeth as there’s a metal wire in your way. Dentists recommend certain products to be used for flossing and brushing. It’s also recommended to brush after each meal or drink except water to prevent bacteria development in your mouth.

Invisalign Should Be Worn Around 22 Hours per Day

Another big difference between Invisalign and metal braces is the total wear time every day. Traditional braces are fixed on your teeth. You cannot take them off and only a dentist can make slight adjustments, based on the progress of your treatment. When it comes to Invisalign, you can take them off for up to 2 hours every day, usually when you eat or brush your teeth.

Although it’s not much, this 2-hour window gives patients some sort of relief when wearing teeth braces. Many people agree that it feels better to know that the braces are not permanently stuck to their teeth and they can take them off from time to time. 

Now You Know the Differences When It Comes to Invisalign Versus Braces

Hopefully, the information contained in this article helps you make the right decision when it comes to Invisalign versus braces. Which one is more suitable for you? It’s a matter of personal preference and your dentist’s decision. Your doctor or Dentist in Yuma can also tell you for how long you should wear the braces, depending on the severity of your dental issues.

For more useful information on innovative dental procedures and how to achieve a million-dollar smile, make sure that you check out the other articles on our website!

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