Is It Just Me, Or Are PEMF Devices Overrated?

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PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) devices, cleared by FDA, are said to be a choice in terms of treating non-union bone fractures or even for treating depression. What this means is that you could have a cheaper alternative to surgery, specifically if you are undergoing treatment under a wellness center. 

The pricing can vary depending on how much intensity of the PEMF treatment a person needs in regards to the severity of their fracture. 

PEMF in fact has also been said to be effective in other forms of diseases such as chronic pain conditions like Sciatica (nerve pain in one or both legs from the lower back).

But there comes the question, is PEMF truly proven to work? Let us take a look at its current use and efficiency.

PEMF, yay or nay?

While clearance by FDA itself already can give some credibility to PEMF devices, it still brings into question if they are effective in the long run. From the various studies shown, the results have been mixed so far, according to this study( The results have shown to be slightly positive for problems related to the knee pain in osteoarthritis(OA). 

In simple terms, there have been positive implications for treating various musculoskeletal diseases without any sort of side effect. But since there has not been a long-term follow-up of the study, it can’t be used as a scientific basis for proving that PEMF is beneficial.

Then, PEMF is what?

From what has been gathered so far, PEMF is being widely touted as the next generation’s answer to non-invasive surgery that utilizes an exposure similar to the earth’s electromagnetic field to cure various diseases. For some, this may sound outright something equivalent to what a

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