IVF in Thailand Can Increase Chances of Pregnancy

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If you’re having trouble conceiving, seeking in-vitro fertilization, or IVF in Thailand is a valid path to follow for young couples who want to experience the joys of parenthood.

Most couples want to start a family at some point in their lives. But it can cause anxiety in your relationship and unnecessary stress if you’re unable to conceive naturally. A woman, specifically, has a certain window in time before becoming pregnant risks harming the health of both mother and child. The age of 40 is generally accepted as the cut-off age for childbirth.

IVF is Part of a Range of Fertility Treatments

In Thailand, IVF is just one part of a range of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that help couples achieve their dreams of parenthood. Together with more conventional treatments, such as fertility drugs, the technologies of ART dramatically increase your chances of conceiving, with almost one in three cycles of ART result in pregnancy.

If you’re seeking IVF at a hospital in Thailand, you will soon be educated into some of the lesser-known, but just as successful treatments included in ART.

These treatments include Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT), Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT), and Blastocyst Trophectoderm Biopsy.

These treatments have been developed to address the many differences in human anatomy and conditions and provide a range of options for different people to follow depending on their circumstances. 

By visiting a Thailand IVF clinic, your doctor can examine both members of a couple, and depending on the results of the exam, recommend the treatment, or range of treatments, that will provide you with the best chance of conception.

Taking a Positive and Proactive Attitude

It’s important if you have trouble conceiving, that you remain positive and take a proactive attitude about addressing the problem before it’s too late. It’s always a challenging and delicate issue to decide when you’re ready as a couple to have a child. If you’re in your late thirties and have been unsuccessful at conceiving, the added stress can wreak havoc on relationships and lives.

Women aged over 36-years will experience a natural decline in fertility which can add to the stress level in the relationship. It’s essential that both partners be tested for any fertility issues if you’re having trouble getting pregnant and before you visit a Thailand IVF clinic.

Infertility can just as easily affect men as women. If it’s discovered that the man is the one who has a lower level of fertility, there are treatments with ART that can be used to increase the chances of conception by treating the man’s level of fertility first.

The important thing is to find out your chances of conceiving as early as possible. Your doctor can alert you to any abnormalities that need to be addressed before you’re ready to conceive. By taking care of yourselves and getting yourselves in the best shape possible, it will help you to know which options you have and which paths to follow if you fail to conceive later.

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