Looking for Mental Health Treatment in Mississippi? Here Are Your Options

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mental health treatment

Like some other southern states, Mississippi ranks one of the highest in mental health issues and one of the lowest for accessibility to mental health resources. If you’re looking for mental health treatment in Mississippi, however, there are a number of options that might be available to you. There are a few things to keep in mind as you consider your options, though.

Treatment Options Available to You

There are numerous treatment options available to you at varying levels of care. These include:

Therapy and Counseling

Therapy is one of the most accessible forms of mental health treatment in Mississippi, as it is often available on a sliding scale for those who cannot afford to pay full price. Thanks to telehealth, you can meet with a therapist online from anywhere as long as you are within the state’s borders. It’s also one of the most effective forms of treatment, and you can find very good therapists if you look on online directories.

Alternative and Experiential Treatments

Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and yoga, are also becoming more popular in Mississippi. These may include yoga, meditation, acupuncture and other types of alternative therapies. It’s a good idea to try alternative treatments first before trying medications or other forms of treatment because they can help with anxiety and depression without side effects that come from taking medication.

Inpatient Treatment Centers

Inpatient rehab in Mississippi is a great choice if you’re feeling suicidal, experiencing severe psychosis, or feel you might harm yourself. These intensive treatment centers are available in the state for those who need help with substance abuse problems, eating disorders, and other mental health issues.

Outpatient Treatment Centers

Outpatient care is recommended for those who are not suicidal and do not have a severe mental illness. This type of care is also good for those who are recovering from an inpatient stay or need to continue therapy after completing an outpatient program.

Peer Support Groups

Peer support groups can be very helpful, especially if you’re new to treatment or don’t feel comfortable with traditional therapies. You can learn more about peer support groups for your particular mental health issue and meet up in person.

Finding The Right Rehab For You

When looking for a rehab, it’s important to find one that is the right fit for you. You should consider what type of treatment you want, how long you’ll be staying, and your budget. It’s also important to look at the facility itself and make sure it has everything you need.

You should also pay close attention to the accreditations that the facility has as well as the experience of staff members. If they are accredited by The Joint Commission or CARF,  it means they meet the commission’s rigorous standards for quality and safety.

The Bottom Line

Mental health treatment in Mississippi can seem difficult to find, but there are actually a number of options available to you. Altogether, it is most important that you do your research before choosing a rehab so you can find one that is the best fit for you so that you can get the most out of your treatment and go on to live a healthy and substance-free life.

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