‘Love Unscripted’ by Tina Reber

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love unscripted by tina reber
Love Unscripted

by Tina Reber is definitely on my top ten favorite books of 2012 list. Even though the book was a long one (668 pages) it was definitely worth it!

The story is about a small-town bar owner named Taryn Mitchell. When Ryan Christensen comes into town to film a much known about movie series, she tries to ignore it. But he comes into her bar to escape the crazy fans and, ultimately, they fall in love. With the tabloid lies that come out, the secrecy of their relationship at first, and the pressure that comes with being in a relationship with an actor, you never really know if Ryan and Taryn will be able to persevere. You have to read it for yourself – it definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat through all 668 pages!

Love Unscripted really made me think about what celebrity couples go through. I, for one, couldn’t even imagine having my whole life being either filmed or photographed for the whole world to see. I’m a pretty open book to my close friends, but for strangers to know about what’s going on in my life? It would be really creepy and intrusive! Not to mention the tabloids coming up with lies – it would drive me crazy!

You can buy Love Unscripted on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

tina reber
About The Author

The daughter of a small town librarian, Tina Reber, she received her first library car at four-years-old. She now lives with her husband, son, Keeshond, and Eclectus Parrot in a suburb of Allentown, Pennsylvania.

You can follow Tina on her website, Facebook, and Twitter!

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