Mom�s Guide to Keeping a Clean Car

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Everyone who drives a car knows how easy it is to accumulate clutter inside, especially if you drive around the kids. With all the running around from home, to school, to work, it’s easy to forget throwing that piece of trash or that little toy lying in the corner. After all, you can always go back for it later. By the time you notice, everything will have accumulated in one big mess.

Don’t wait until you need professional intervention to clean your car. Professional cleaning can cost you at least $120, more if your car needs more work to clean. Save money and follow this guide to keeping your car clean.

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Maintain Your Car Regularly

It’s good practice to clean your car every after use or at least every week, but don’t stop at that. Part of a car owner’s responsibility is making sure that their car is maintained regularly. That means cleaning your car frequently, checking all the necessary components, and replacing what needs to be replaced.

Regular car maintenance includes changing engine oil, together with the oil filter, every 5,000 to 10,000 miles or according to the manufacturer manual’s specifications. You also have to replace your windshield wipers and car air filter whenever necessary.

Loose tires can be cause fatal. You have to ensure that your tires have enough pressure and are properly screwed in to avoid accidents. Cleaning your car isn’t enough. Basic maintenance is also necessary for smoother driving experience and for extending your vehicle’s lifespan.

Use Car Seat Organizers

Organization is key to a clutter-free car. As such, make sure to equip your vehicle with car seat organizers to properly store everything you need

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