Nasal Filters � Alternative of allergy medication

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If allergies cause problems to you, then I think your doctors must have suggested you take medicines or use nasal filters instead. Medication helps you avoid and decrease the allergy symptoms, the nasal filter does the same task as well. The nasal air filter is a better substitute for medication. Medication invites a lot of unwanted side effects; you won’t encounter as such anything while using a nasal filter. 

Where using masks to avoid unwanted air pollutants to enter your nose has become common these days, the nasal air filter is a new device in the market, whose size is equal to a contact lens. The nasal filter is a device which reduces or somehow prevents nasal allergy symptoms. It is a good alternative to swipe up with your medication. While nasal filters may not completely prevent allergy symptoms, it is well-tolerated, easily worn, and has no side effects. Also, invisible nasal filters make it hard for others to detect it.

What studies say about allergic issues?

Well, studies say that the actual purpose of nasal filters is to prevent airborne allergies to reach the mucous and membranes of the nose. An experiment which was conducted in the year 2014, where 24 adult volunteers having grass allergy, were exposed to grass pollen in EEU (environmental exposure unit), some of them were wearing nasal filters and others were using a placebo device that had no filter. They were exposed for about 210 minutes and after every 30 minutes, observations were noted and it was concluded that the nasal filter worked well and symptoms seen in volunteers were less. So with the studies conducted, it was made sure that the nasal filter works well and is effective enough to fight against allergies. 

Nasal Air filters reduce the sneezing by almost 45% and also an average of 12% decrease is seen in daily running nose, with its use. It also helps in reducing the chances of itchiness in your nasal passages. Nasal air filters drastically reduce the occurrence of itching, sneezing, and runny nose. Nasal filters work well, by reducing the inhalation of allergy-causing particles. 

If you have to list problems from which nasal filters protect you, they are

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