Non-Shedding and Low-Shedding Dogs

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A shedding dog is common. Most dogs lose their fur daily and when the seasons change, they can shed even more, preparing a new coat. If it’s summer, a thinner coat will come through and if it’s winter, a thicker coat will come through. However, it can be a nuisance, especially if a dog stays home a lot and uses the furniture. Dog hair can get everywhere, from your clothes to your bedsheets, crevasses of a couch, and sometimes even the dinner plate, meaning your house needs to be constantly cleaned and hoovered. That’s why some dog owners opt to home dogs that don’t shed. It means that there’s less clean up time and you can enjoy your home and your dog at the same time. 

Choosing to home a dog that doesn’t shed is a great option for many families. Not only do they not have to worry about hair being everywhere, it’s also great for anyone who may be allergic to dogs. Dog allergies are common, and they can be off putting, which is a shame for someone who loves dogs. Dog hair is usually the source of allergies, so with no dog hair around, allergies are reduced. This makes dogs who don’t shed hypoallergenic. Some non-shedding dogs do lose some fur every so often but it’s barely noticeable for some breeds. These breeds are still suitable for those with allergies and won’t cause huge allergic reactions.

So, what are some of the best dogs that don’t shed… 

One of the most popular choices of non-shedding dogs is the Poodle. Whether it’s a purebred Poodle or poodle mix like a Goldendoodle or Cockapoo, the chances of it shedding are very low. It’s a very popular choice for those with allergies. When a pup, the hair is smooth and shiny and as they grow, those popular curls are formed. There are different breeds of poodles so their fur style can vary but they’re all classed as non-shedding dogs, which is great for families who want to avoid malting. 

Another popular choice is the Bichon Frise. The fur on a Bichon Frise is double-coated, making it nice and fluffy which is very recognisable. It minorly sheds when brushed, but it’s not a noticeable loss, making it a good choice for a non-shedding dog breed. You certainly won’t have hair in your bed or on your sofa if you opt to own a Bichon. 

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is such a majestic dog. Similarly, to a terrier of some sort, these dogs love hunting and being outdoors, but this is all they really have in common. Terriers shed a lot of hair, whereas these Wirehaired Pointing Griffons do not. They’re a great low-shedding dog. 

If you want a dog you can cuddle up to but want to avoid the sneezing or coughing, then a Shih Tzu may be the right choice. It’s small figure allows it to be a cuddly pet, but its long fur barely sheds. The long hair can sometimes get tangled, requiring regular grooming, but you won’t find strands all around your home. These dogs rarely malt and the only time they’ll lose a lot of hair is when they’re having a haircut. 

Finally, the Basenji breed is another great breed that barely sheds. It’s short coat is easily manageable with light grooming, but it doesn’t require too much attention at all. In fact, this breed grooms themselves very well. Plus, these dogs shed so little, the only indicator they live in your home is their bed and toys, making it a great choice for those will allergies or those who just want to keep a tidy home. 

There are, of course, many other breeds that barely shed any of their fur and these all make for great pets depending on what kind of companion you desire. This list here might be useful if you want to learn about other low-shedding canines. 

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