Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal

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laser hair romoval

Unwanted hair seems to be everyone’s nightmare. If it is not a matter of shaving, then it is necessary to wax or tweeze, but it seems to be an inevitable part of life. That is why the option of going for laser hair removal is so attractive. Just think about the time you will have on your hands to dedicate yourself to other pursuits. However, despite its obvious benefits, laser hair removal is not without its cons. Let’s see which way you lean after reading all about it.

Laser Hair Removal Cons

It Takes Time

Most body parts require several sessions to get the hair growing on them fully removed so that you can start to see real results. Also, you must wait between 4 and 6 weeks between treatments. Although some areas have hair growth sooner, others may have you waiting longer. Plus, to get the results you want and expect, you must be consistent. Skipping sessions or postponing them will not get rid of the unwanted hair.

Not Too Effective on People with Darker Skin

Optimal results for laser hair removal are obtained on individuals with fair skin and dark hair. This is simply because it is easier for the laser to focus on the targeted areas when there is a great deal of contrast between skin and hair colors. When skin is richly pigmented, it competes with the follicle for the energy emitted by the laser. Talk to your hair removal specialist about other possible options.

Burns and Scars

The fact that so many states have no regulations regarding the training these professionals must receive before performing hair removal procedures means there is a possibility of burning or scarring. Check the qualifications of the specialist before putting your skin in their hands. You don’t want to end up with redness, scarring, discoloration, or blistering.

Laser Hair Removal Pros

Best Option for Hair Removal

If what you are looking for is permanent hair removal, there is no better option. Although some hair may come back and require further treatments in the future, it decreases hair growth considerably. There is no other treatment that will allow you to stop shaving altogether or will effectively get rid of unwanted hair.

Works in Any Area

Large areas of the body can be treated in one single session, and it offers great results whether you only want to get rid of hair in a small area such as the upper lip or a large section such as your torso. The laser is so precise that it can get rid of large coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin intact.

Fast and Predictable Results

Since each pulse of the laser takes less than a second, many hairs can be removed in a single session. And if you are looking to get rid of hair from a small area, this can quickly be achieved in just a few minutes. Also, results are quite measurable and predictable. In the great majority of cases, patients see results after an average of 4 to 6 sessions.

Avoid any possible unwanted consequences by having the procedure done by a licensed dermatologist. Taking the time to find the right professional to remove your unwanted hair will pay off in the long run.   

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