6 Reliable Ways to Relieve Your Dog’s Stress

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You might think the life of a dog is a stressful one that is equal parts play and sleep, but dogs can experience stress in similar ways to humans. Dogs might enjoy a lot of free time and napping but there are a lot of triggers or stressors that can cause them anxiety and it is our duty as pet owners to be able to handle it.

Taking the necessary steps to help relieve a dog’s stress can go a long way in helping them live a longer and happier life. Here is how you can help your dog.

  1. Anti-Anxiety and Stress Medication

For dogs with serious stress and even anxiety disorders, you might be considering pharmaceutical help. Just like in humans, dogs can develop a serious enough case of stress and anxiety that leads to the need for SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). This medication can work really well and often, fluoxetine and clomipramine are prescribed. It is advised that you speak to your veterinarian first to get the proper diagnosis and whether or not your dog needs them. It also depends on any existing health conditions that they may have too.

  1. CBD Oil and Alternatives to Medication

If your dog gets mild cases of stress and anxiety or if you do not want to go the medication route, then CBD oil is a good alternative that may help. The reason why so many people are choosing cbd oil for dogs is that it offers a healthy, alternative, and safe option that can do a good job. This alternative source of medication is also showing promise in helping with conditions like cancer, pain, and arthritis. Do your own research as well, but the results are looking good.

  1. Ensure Regular Exercise

Dogs are active animals and they need a constant activity to feel like themselves. Again, dogs are not unlike humans and regular exercise has been proven to help reduce stress levels and help in relaxation. The amount of exercise they get can also contribute to better sleep which helps greatly as well.

  1. Security Blankets, Thunder Jackets, and Toys

Security blankets provide a comfortable and reliable toy for your dog to snuggle up with or carry around when they feel stressed or uncomfortable. This is an easy way to provide them something familiar that they can use to reduce their anxiety. Likewise, a thunder jacket is a little vest/coat-like piece of clothing that your dog can wear during rain/thunderstorms which is one of the biggest causes of anxiety or stress for dogs. Get them a favorite toy as well which can be used as a security blanket-like calming device they can always rely on when they are stressed.

  1. Get a Second Dog

This is a big step if you want to help reduce your dog’s stress and only if you can accommodate and care for a second dog, but it is reliable. Dogs are social animals and they need to be socialized around other animals of their kind to feel comfortable in many situations. You probably notice how some dogs stick close to their owner or in a corner at dog parks. This is because they are unfamiliar with other dogs and the second dog in your home may be just what your current pup needs. This has the added benefit of giving them comfort while you are away from home as well.

  1. Calming Music

Another simple but reliable way to provide your dog with stress and anxiety relief is to play them calming music. Music has a way of relaxing everyone with the right tones. From babies to adults, dogs, cats, birds, nearly every living creature on Earth can respond positively to the right music and this is an easy way to give your dog the relaxation that they need. Classical music is a timeless choice to help soothe behavior and attitude and can help you too. When your dog sees you reacting calmly they can start to imitate that relaxation. Likewise, playing music while you are away is a good option too.

Calming a stressed dog is a fairly simple task when you know what to do. Treating animals like they are similar to us has the benefits of understanding that their anxiety is treatable and that it is behavioral. Regular stresses can occur to any dog and they react in different ways. Some dogs get clingy, some hide, some get aggressive, but in nearly any case, you can find a way to help your dog feel more relaxed. These are 6 reliable ways to help care for your dogs’ stress and let them live happier.

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