Safety Steps – How to Take Care of a Loved One After Surgery

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If you have ever been through surgery, you’ll know what a gruelling task it is to mend and recover in the aftermath. Watching a loved one recover from surgery may be more emotionally taxing than going through the process yourself. If you have a loved one who is due to go through surgery in the near future, you’ll want to be well equipped with the knowledge of how to take care of them post-surgery. Thankfully, experts in respite care in Sydney have shared with us some essential pointers when it comes to caring for a loved one after surgery. Read on to find out more!

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  1. Preparation Is Key


Before your loved one even goes under the knife, you’ll want to ensure that you have all your preparations sorted. Some of these include making sure your house is stocked up with groceries, drinks, a wound kit, adequate bedding, comfortable pillows, and so on. Also make sure that you have antibacterial ointment, bandages, gloves, gauze and scissors ready in case you have to change your loved one’s dressing once they arrive home. Whilst you can often get these items easily, having everything at home prior to surgery can take the burden of having to scurry around once your loved one is home. This way, you can spend as much of your time as you want taking care of them, without having to stress about running to the grocery store or chemist before they close.

  1. Take Over Some Of Their Responsibilities

Everyone has their responsibilities, and imagine how difficult those become when you’re trying to recover from surgery! The best way to care for and help your loved one post-op is to take over some of their responsibilities. Does hubby usually send the kids to school? Perhaps you can do that instead, or get a car-pool set up so that the kids can go to school without dad having to worry. Small things really do go a long way when it comes to lending a helping hand to someone who is in recovery. Usual activities will seem extra strenuous for someone who is recovering, so even if you can assist them in heating their food up or cleaning the house a little, you’ll be taking a huge amount of stress off their shoulders!

  1. Provide Fun Distractions

There is nothing worse than laying in bed, bored out of your mind, whilst your body is aching and breaking! This is why distractions are essential during the recovery period for anyone who has just gone through surgery. Studies have even shown that distractions are able to temporarily relieve one’s perception of pain, so why not play a board game? Other distractions include watching a movie together, engaging in non-strenuous arts and crafts, inviting some friends over, or simply just keeping their mind engaged with conversation. A little goes a long way, so don’t underestimate the power of distraction!

  1. Make Yourself As Available As Possible

Whilst it is easy to be motivated in the beginning to tend to your loved one’s needs 24/7, motivation may dip as the days go on. It is important to ensure that you are there for them throughout the entire period of their recovery, even if that means going out of your way or sacrificing a little of your personal time. Always remember, they’d do the same for you! If you cannot physically be there, be sure to call them on throughout the day to check in and see how they are doing, or if they may need assistance with anything. If possible, have another loved one on standby to help out should you not be able to make it.

  1. Ensure They Are Practicing Daily Hygiene

We’ve all been there – you’re ill, feeling weak and the motivation to even have a shower seems to have run out the door. Whilst your loved one may not be feeling up to their usual grooming or hygiene routines, it is essential that you ensure they are keeping up with it in a bid to avoid any potential infections. Always listen to doctor’s recommendations when it comes to activities such as showering and follow accordingly. Always remember to keep an eye on incisions and wounds as well, cleaning them appropriately when necessary. If anything looks a little off, make sure to contact their doctor immediately!


We hope that this article has given you some insight into how you can go about taking care of a loved one after surgery!

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