Simple Ways To Maximize Energy And Focus

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Our brain cannot work in parallel, so the main problem when it is not possible to concentrate is other thoughts that wander in the head. It is because of these distracting thoughts that it is so difficult to get down to business.

Work within a convenient schedule

You probably noticed that you are able to focus better at certain times of the day. Most people find it difficult to work between 12 and 16 hours – just then they feel that they are not able to concentrate on the task and successfully complete it.

Best of all, we cope with the stress in the morning, when the brain has already woken up, the stomach has received a portion of breakfast, and cortisol, a hormone that stimulates us to act, has been released into the bloodstream.

You may have your own personal schedule. You can work most productively during the day or evening if the work permits.

Do not be distracted

Often we check e-mail or go to the social network “on the machine”, which takes a lot of time. To save it and spend it on work, watch what you do. If you are worried that you may miss an important letter, set up sending notifications to the desktop: when the letter appears, you will definitely know about it.

Take breaks

Even if you like your work, it’s very difficult to do it for several hours without a break. Especially if you work in this mode constantly. In order not to lose concentration (and at the same time interest in work), take short breaks, ideally – for short walks in the fresh air.

Forget multitasking

Although our brain can do several things at the same time, it does it badly. If you have a lot of work, make a list of tasks in order of importance of their implementation and stick to this plan.

Do what you like

If you constantly carry out boring instructions from your boss, you will soon cease to worry about the quality of work and you will do it

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