Six Tips To Detect Water Leaks In Your House

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Water leaks can be difficult to find inside our homes, yet they are a common occurrence that every house owner has to deal with once every few months or so. We rely on water every single day. It helps us complete household chores such as washing our clothes, bathing, doing the dishes, etc. So, imagine, if suddenly your water supply stops one day. You will find yourself scratching your head, not knowing what to do to turn it back on.

Not to mention, water leaks can result in damage and high water bills. So, fixing the problems as early as possible will allow you to save money and avoid further damage to your home. Check out these tips to detect water leaks inside your house, so you can take the necessary steps to correct and stop the problem before it gets worse.

Keep A Close Eye On Your Water Meter

Most homeowners don’t know the value of a water meter. It is convenient in helping you identify a water leak in your home so you can get on top of it before incurring any significant losses. Start by cutting your water supply- dishwasher, washing machine, taps, etc. Now, look at your water meter. If the reading’s still ticking, there is likely a fast-flowing leak in your pipes.

If nothing changes, leave your water supply turned off and check your meter after an hour or so. Was there any activity this time? If there was little to none, chances are you have a slow-flowing leak. Although slower leaks don’t require immediate correction, fixing them early on will avoid any significant issues in the long run.

Search For The Damage

Once you’ve identified there’s a potential leak; it’s time to find it. Take a look at your bathtub and shower and note if the tiles surrounding them appear damaged or discolored. There might be peeling, mold, or water stains due to moisture buildup. Also, ensure that you take a peek under sinks and areas that don’t get noticed frequently. These are places where water damage can go unnoticed and lead to significant issues over time.

Furthermore, mold that occurs due to water leaks can contaminate your water supply. So, you must solve such a leakage issue as early as possible. To ensure that you aren’t using contaminated water, hire professional services such as a water damage advisor to acquire a detailed analysis of your water’s condition. Professional services will also help assess your property if the probable cause is recent storm damage to your house.

Grab Food Coloring

Your toilets account for more than 30 percent of your total water usage, so it is of the utmost importance to ensure they are running correctly. To test the presence of a leak, take a food coloring of your choice (blue, black, red, it doesn’t matter) and add a few drops to your toilet’s tank. Suppose you can see colored water inside your toilet bowl. In that case, the leakage is causing water to leave your toilet and into the drain without you ever flushing it.

Monitor Your Water Bill

If your water bill is constantly on the rise, but you haven’t changed your water usage habits, there might be a pesky water leak present somewhere. Review your previous months’ water bills and compare them to see if there is a gradual rise. If there are no water leaks, your water bill should be in the same range every month.

Remember, if you have underground water pipes, you might never be able to detect leaks without professional equipment. So, it would be a wise decision to hire professional plumbing services to perform a thorough check of all water pipes present inside your house. The sound of water trickling from the roof or a warm spot on your floor will require immediate, professional attention. For a comprehensive and efficient approach to detecting and monitoring water leaks in your home, consider exploring smart water meter solutions like Bluebot. These innovative devices provide real-time data and alerts, helping you proactively identify and address any potential leaks to prevent damage and save water.

Check Your Faucets

Probably the most common culprit of a water leak is worn-out faucets. Something as simple as a cracked rubber seal can cause water to leak without you even knowing about it. After all, how many people check their faucets regularly for leaks? We only give them attention when we see water trickling down the sink, even when the tap is in its closed position.

Washers are easily replaceable if you have the proper plumbing knowledge and the right equipment. Also, turn off the main valve or your sink’s water supply valve if you want to avoid water from splashing everywhere. Next, access the rubber washer by taking off the faucet handles. Most hardware and home improvement stores sell the required tools and replacements gadgets to fix such a common problem.

Examine The Pressure Relief Valve Of Your Hot Water Tank

You can find this valve at the outlet of your hot water supply tank. If there is a fault in this valve, water might end up leaking from it. Listen for a hissing sound to ensure that there is a leak inside it. You might also need some special tools to remove it, so if you don’t know how to do it, contact your local plumbing service to take care of it for you.


It is never a good idea to take a do-it-yourself approach when dealing with water leakages issues. Instead, contact your local services and let the professionals investigate the problems for you. Discovering water leaks early on will save you headaches and money down the road.

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