So, What’s the Best Age Spot Treatment for My Skin?

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When you start to see age spots appearing on your skin, it can make you feel like you’re past your prime, however, they’re far from being permanent. There are a number of age spot treatment options available, with some being more gentle than others.

Typically speaking, age spots are the result of the sun’s rays hitting the areas of the body that are exposed the most, for example your hands and face. The treatments generally fall into a couple of categories. There are procedures and then there are lotions and creams. 

Let’s have a look at the available procedures.

  • Laser treatment – A quick, but slightly painful age spot treatment is laser, which can be effective, but does come with a bunch of side-effects. Crusting is one of the side effects, as is the fact that sometimes the immediate and initial effect is a darkening of the spots in question.
  • Cryotherapy – Another method is cryotherapy which involves allowing a dermatologist to freeze the cells over the spot and

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