What’s The Difference Between CBD and THC: What We Know

It's a known fact that cannabidiol (CBD) doesn't induce high like what tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) does. CBD has a lot of amazing health benefits more than you can imagine.  CBD is considered as a healing cannabis compound that provides pain relief, promotes better sleep, reduces weight, and combat stress and anxiety. On the other hand, many people know that THC creates a psychoactive high that attracts recreational users, giving them a sense of satisfaction. Further, CBD is natural pain … [Read more...]

Health Benefits of Cannabis Everyone Should be Aware Off

Cannabis or marijuana is gradually being legalized all over the world and people are quickly becoming aware of its medicinal benefits. As a result, cannabis is being consumed in many forms for its health benefits. In states like California, possession of marijuana is allowed, as in some states growing cannabis is, but at the same time, there are strict laws governing DUI of marijuana.  Keeping that aside, there is no denying that marijuana has many benefits. And if you're not aware, … [Read more...]

Cannabis in Different Forms: Which One Is More Your Style?

When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are two primary considerations. First, what kind of cannabis do you want to consume? There are three main categories or classifications: CBD-dominant, THC-dominant, or balanced. The choice depends on what kind of effect you're seeking, like pain relief or a good night's sleep. Besides raw cones, there are many great options for consuming cannabis. You may also want to consider the terpenes (aromatic compounds that give cannabis different scents), … [Read more...]

How Could Medical Cannabis Improve The Quality of Life?

The industry of medical science improved a lot and now it is making use of medical cannabis for treating various medical conditions to improve the quality of human life. But what exactly is medical cannabis? Well, medical cannabis or Medical marijuana, like from rocky mountain dispensary, makes use of the marijuana plant or better to say the chemicals present in it for treating diseases or medical conditions. It's exactly the same product used in the form of recreational marijuana, but here, in … [Read more...]

Medical Marijuana in California: 9 Frequently Asked Questions

Before we started relying on modern medicine for every ache and scrape, marijuana and other gifts of nature were the only healing substances used to treat, cure and prevent health disorders. In fact, marijuana has been used for centuries to heal a wide array of health problems. Over recent decades, marijuana, or cannabis, has reemerged as an alternative therapy for lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and insomnia and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and migraine. With … [Read more...]

Know How High-Tech Greenhouses Help Marijuana Cultivation

Cannabis cultivation has come to the practice due to the prohibition of the plant. In other words, it can be said that growers are forced to keep their some precious secretly. Technological advancement has made it possible that cannabis cultivation is now possible indoor. But the previous process was expensive and for some growers, it was hard to manage the capital. But now it is even easier with the help of high-tech greenhouses to produce quality cannabis indoor without investing a lot of … [Read more...]