Most Expensive College Degrees

College is the precursor to everyone's career and it all starts during or right after high school. You just have to choose a degree in a field that interests you. However, this isn't always the easiest thing to do as some people may have difficulty trying to find the most suitable degree. This can be for a variety of reasons, but a common one is that it's simply too expensive. There are a few degrees that have a higher cost attached to them, and this includes undergraduate programs. You really … [Read more...]

Step By Step Guide to Writing an Essay in College

College essays are the most common form of assessment in the college admissions process. For some people, it's easy to write about themselves and their accomplishments; for others, writing a good essay is much more difficult. However, if you follow these steps, you can write a great essay and have a better chance of getting into your top school choice: Know what your essay should include A college essay is not long (usually between 500-750 words) but there are a few things that every good … [Read more...]

A New Era Of Dorm Living

There is a point in our life where it's time to grow up and make a decision. Often going to college can be a tough decision to make, being far from family in a place you've never been before, terrified because you will be on your own with people who you haven't met before. Sure it can be demoralizing but raising the white flag and surrender is not an option. Most graduate students will tell you that college is a transition from being a kid to making your own choice and decisions and … [Read more...]

Ten Common Problems Students Face in College

College can be an exciting time for many students, opening doors to numerous experiences and the chance for self-discovery. However, for the unprepared, college comes with numerous challenges. Not only is campus life more hectic than high school, but the courses are also more challenging. More freedom can also lead to procrastination and motivation issues.  Evidence shows that the overall college dropout rate in the United States stands at 40%. About 30% of these are students in their … [Read more...]

Leaving the Nest: 4 Tips to Help Your Kids on Their Journey to College

It happens so fast; you're holding your baby in your arms, and then suddenly you wake up, and it's their senior year of high school. Whether this is your first child to fly the coop or not, it's never easy to let go. And you want to make sure that your child is prepared to face adult independence for the first time. These are four things you can do to make your child's journey from teen to adult easier. Pay as Much of Their Tuition as You Can Some parents are fortunate enough to have … [Read more...]

Why are Admission Personnel Required US/UK Educational Institutes?

When you think of higher studies or simply learning methods from the best teachers of top universities or boarding schools, you must consider boarding schools and universities in the US and UK. With thousands of successful examples of meritorious students, boarding schools, and Universities of the US and UK have proved that they are the best place for the holistic development of a student. Both the USA and UK have the best universities, best teachers, and most importantly excellent labs and … [Read more...]

Self-Care Tips During Hard College Times

As a college student, you probably have numerous things taking place in almost every aspect of your life. You have multiple tasks to juggle and a lot to maintain, which can be mind-boggling. On top of all these responsibilities that require your attention, you also have to grapple with social media pressures. All these can make it challenging to navigate life, and it becomes super important to take a step back from the everyday day-to-day occurrences and practice some self-care. These … [Read more...]

University of Phoenix on Early Childhood Education

For professionals who really want to make a difference in the lives of children, early education careers can offer a lot of intrinsic value. Early childhood educators have the unique opportunity to work with youth during their developmental years. Teachers can make a big difference in the lives of their students when they offer a caring and nurturing environment. For those interested in changing careers, early childhood education offers an interesting industry in a post-pandemic world. The … [Read more...]