4 Ways to Protect Your Child – i.e., if they were injured at birth

Every parent wants to protect their child and keep them healthy, happy, and secure. Sadly, situations can happen outside of your control and threaten the safety of your child. That being said, there are many ways to protect your child in various situations, i.e., if they were injured at birth. Here are some common situations where you might need to protect your child.  1. They were injured at birth No parent wants to imagine their child being injured during birth. Although … [Read more...]

Is it Safe to Use Pest Control Around Kids and Pets?

When it comes to devising a pest control treatment strategy in your home, you'll want to ensure that your home's residents, including any high-risk children and pets, are safe from potential contaminations. While it's wise to eradicate pests as soon as they infest your home, you should understand that all pesticides introduce some level of risk to your home. As you plan to spray either store-bought or commercial-grade pesticides, ensure these areas of application aren't accessible to your … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Look After a Loved One With Alzheimer�s Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a source of immense pain for older adults and their families. The uncertainty that comes with an Alzheimer's diagnosis may cause great distress, but it doesn't have to mean only bitterness. There is so much we can do for our loved ones ones who suffer from the memory problems and other common symptoms of Alzheimer's. Named for its discoverer, Alois Alzheimer, this disease causes dementia and cognitive impairment among more than 5 million Americans, according to recent … [Read more...]

Growing Your Family? Here Are 8 Tips to Prepare Your Home

Once you decide to extend your family, you're faced with endless choices�even when it comes to your home's location. You have to decide how close you want to be to grandparents and where you want them to attend school.    But when it comes to certain choices regarding the home, there is some tried and true parental advice, as well as home design advice. From comfort to safety, here are eight tips to prepare your home for a growing family.  By … [Read more...]

Keeping Kids Entertained All Summer Long

The year 2020 will be remembered for many years to come, mainly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. To ensure the health and safety of both teachers and children, schools around the globe have been forced to restructure their academic calendars. As a result, many parents have been forced to entertain their kids at home in the absence of regular school terms and daycare.   With restrictions imposed on the places that kids love to visit, such as movie theaters, theme parks, and … [Read more...]

How To Use Art Therapy During Lockdown as Family Time

Parents today need to pay attention to the arts their kids make. They no longer should be looked at as just something to stow away or stick on the fridge. You need to look at it as a window to your child's soul. You can use art as a medium for communicating with your child. They can use it to express their emotions. This is called art therapy. Art therapy can be used to express the child's more complex and difficult emotions after they identify it. This is a form of mental health therapy that … [Read more...]

A Guide For First Time Moms: How To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

Every parent wants the best for their children, so they will do anything to provide them with the best education they can have. Children do not automatically learn everything once they start talking or making sense of their surroundings, so it is necessary for parents to guide their children because they are going to be their first teachers. Entering school is going to be a challenge for your young ones, and the first step is attending pre-school first. This is where your child develops social … [Read more...]

Non-Custodial Parenting: How to Do It Right

A parental divorce is always a hard pill for children to swallow. Often, they're at the receiving end of the disagreements between their parents due to communication issues. Being a divorced parent is hard, but the emotional toll can be much harder for your children. Here are some tips on how you can do right by your child when they are not in your custody: Reach Out to Your Children Parents should be the ones to initiate the communication process as much as possible. Remember, the … [Read more...]