The Importance of Scalp Care in the Middle Age Journey

There are few things more frustrating � at least when it comes to hair care that is � than when your scalp decides to turn on you. Drying, flaking, hair becoming weak, growth slowing, all things that make you wince when you think about them. Whether it's a seasonal change or one brought about by growing up, it can seem complicated and nearly impossible to gain control. But the good news is control may not be closer than you think, maybe even as close as your fingertips.  Why do … [Read more...]

The Worst Advice You Could Ever Have About Hair Styling

Not everybody is blessed with healthy, gorgeous locks, which is why most of us have to make do with what we have, style it in whatever ways we know how, and hope for the best.  There are many practices when it comes to styling hair, but are they actually beneficial, or are we just making things worse? In some cases, you could be doing more harm than good.  Here are some of the worst pieces of advice people have been given about hair styling, which should be avoided at all … [Read more...]

Clip-in Hair Extension: Things You Need to Know

Girls know the feeling of wanting long, luscious look on curls. May you're be taking vitamins, using shampoo, or dedicated stylish. Hair won't cooperate despite your best efforts. Hairstyles have secrets up their sleeve, using the seamless clip in hair extensions is one of the ones they rely the most on. It's one of the easiest ways to add not just length but also volume, body, best for creating a wide array of various looks. If you want a way to get gorgeous hair without all the work, … [Read more...]

Top Wedding Hairstyles for All Hair Types

For almost every bride, finding the perfect Inland Empire bridal hair and hairstyle is usually up there with finding the perfect makeup and a fantastic wedding dress. We completely understand why � every bride always dreams about their wedding since they are little. Since pictures, videos, and memories last forever, we are here to make sure that your Inland Empire Bridal Hair looks just the way you would like it to be. Wedding Hairstyles Ideas for Thin Hair  Doughnu … [Read more...]

How to Make Your Hair Thicker and Longer: 14 Useful Tips

Your hair grows somewhere between 0.5 and 1.7 centimeters each month. This doesn't seem like much, but as time passes, you'll find your hair can grow to amazing lengths! Anyone can grow their hair out, but growing long and thick hair that is beautiful, soft, and voluminous is a different story. You have to take care of your hair as it grows for this to happen. Are you growing your hair out, but want to make sure it doesn't end up frizzy and dull?  For some tips and tricks about how … [Read more...]

How to Shop Ethically when Buying Shampoo

Many of us are now aware of the importance of shopping ethically when buying beauty products, whether it is moisturizer, foundation, or eye shadow. Unethically-made beauty products are harmful to animals, the environment, and sometimes to people involved in their production. But what about shampoo? Just like our other beauty products, shampoo can contain chemicals that are harmful to our waterways and the general environment, or may be produced in a way that damages people, animals, or … [Read more...]

Health and Lifestyle: 5 Most Effective Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy

Most women, and some men, will admit to having a love-hate relationship with their hair. In fact, the average woman spends 1 hour and 53 minutes a week washing, drying, and styling her hair. That equals 7 months of her life by the time she's 65! The best way to ensure luscious locks is by maintaining healthy hair. Keeping your hair healthy requires hydration, a solid hair routine, lowering the heat on styling appliances, eating a nutritious diet, and being gentle. You can find great … [Read more...]

Can Hair Extensions Ruin Your Hair?

When people see you wearing hair extension or when you tell them that you deal in hair extension as your work specialization, the question you get mostly is, "Do hair extensions ruin your hair?" In the world today, there is an excellent innovation in the industry of hair. Different types of hairpieces and hair extensions are being manufactured now and then. These extensions and pieces come in various forms. They can be thick, wavy, thin, frail, or curly, among others. With different head types, … [Read more...]