Play it Safe: Safe Online Gaming for You and Your Family

Online gaming has become a popular form of entertainment for people worldwide. With gaming options ranging from gambling to video games, there is something for every niche, taste and preference in the online space. However, with security becoming a major concern regarding online activity, it's clear that there are some issues to keep an eye on when partaking in any form of online gaming. Below, we discuss some of these threats as well as how you can keep yourselves, as well as your family and … [Read more...]

Computer/Internet Safety Tips

Did you know that there are over five millions people per day that access the internet? Ten years, who would have thought the numbers would be that high? There are a lot of great things about the internet, like how easy it is to do research for school or keeping in touch with your friends and family who do not live close to you. Make sure to check out the best antivirus with VPN here: Of course, with the convenience that internet brings … [Read more...]