5 Tips To Help You Look Your Best When You’re Short on Time

No one likes to be in a rush. But when you're a mom, this is often inevitable. When you're running short on time, it's often the case that the kids are put first before you can even get ready. As much as you're used to it, it can get a bit frustrating sometimes. Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you have to forego looking presentable at the very least.  Moms, you're not alone in this journey! There are thousands of other women who feel the same. Don't be disheartened as there are … [Read more...]

The Bi Pride Flag, Representing Bisexuality

What is Bisexuality? Bisexuality is classified as a romantic attraction, sexual behavior or sexual attraction towards both females and males or to more than one gender or sex. It may also be described as a sexual or romantic appeal to individuals of any sex or gender identity, also referred to as pansexuality. A bisexual identity doesn't essentially add up to equal sexual desirability to both sexes. Generally, people who have a unique but not select sexual preference for a particular sex over … [Read more...]

5 Surprise Gift Ideas For the Women in Your Life

It can be quite overwhelming to choose surprise gifts for the woman you love. Your mother might have never asked you for any present, but you could surely express your love by bestowing her with a specific item she needs. Or, you could amaze your significant other with a personalised gift item that will commemorate your relationship. Here are some definite tips to help you out. Guide to giving unexpected presents to your loved women: An e-book reader the book lover: For the bookworm … [Read more...]

5 Steps to Become A Home Inspector

There is no denying that home inspectors make a lucrative amount of money. Aside from that, the hours are flexible and�if you do your job right�there is a certain amount of job security that other careers don't offer. The length of time it takes to become a home inspector depends entirely on you, depending on your willingness to undergo training and certification. Our days are never coming back, so here are several steps to keep in mind to make your home inspection journey easier. Licen … [Read more...]

Senior Living Options for Aging Parents

As our parents get older, it can be hard to watch them struggling with new medical challenges that affect their daily routines. However, with the proper care and resources available, elderly parents can live very fulfilling and healthy lives. There are many different senior living options available for parents, so no matter what your loved ones' needs, you will be able to find something that works for them. Here are the different senior living options available for aging parents and the pros and … [Read more...]

5 Back Pain Mistakes Moms Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Are you in a cycle of rushing around all day and simply popping a couple over the counter pain meds for your aching back? You're not alone. Between lugging kids, purses, laundry, you name it, the heavy lifting and back strain for moms is all too real. Luckily, there are a handful of bad habits you can change that can help prevent back and neck pain for good: Carrying your purse on the same shoulder In addition to carrying way too much stuff in their purses, women also tend to wear their … [Read more...]