What is the basis for a New Jersey Child Support Amount?

Determining appropriate child support amounts in New Jersey When a couple decides to divorce, they do so knowing the great impact that it will have on their lives and the lives of their children. It is not a decision that is made without a lot of deliberation and is often thought to be the last resort. Custodial and child support agreements can be fraught with emotion, which can make the determinations even more difficult. Because of this, many divorcing parents turn to experienced … [Read more...]

What Are Private Custody Agreements?

If it's possible, it's always a better idea for parents that are going through divorce proceedings to come up with a child custody agreement without the courts. Leaving the decision up to a judge should be the last resort. For unmarried parents, using the courts may not even be an option since there isn't a legal divorce. In both situations, this is where a private custody agreement is helpful. A child custody agreement is a document that shows the guidelines for child custody between child and … [Read more...]

Effective Techniques To Help Children Transition To A New School

Moving is exciting but with it comes plenty of stress, especially if the move is far enough that your child needs to change schools. With nearly 10,000 schools across the country, there are certainly plenty to choose from, but transition to a new school may get difficult. Once your child knows they are changing schools they may become anxious as they won't know anyone and the school system will be unfamiliar. That's when you need to make sure that you adopt these techniques to make the … [Read more...]

How Moms Can Help Their Kids Develop Into Football Stars

Do you see potential in your kid when it comes to playing football? Or do you often hear your kid expressing their passion for the ball sport? If so, that's good news. Many moms would love to have their kids become honest with what they really want to pursue. As early as now, supporting your youngster to go pro could just be the right decision to raise a future football star. Getting scouted in the future gives your child massive hope for their dream. So encourage them to start as early as … [Read more...]

How to Run a Household as a Single Parent

Single parenting is not for the faint of heart, yet it's a challenge that thousands of people take on without hesitation. That doesn't mean it's without effort, though. Balancing a day job, responsibilities at home, and the intensive process of raising a child or children takes careful planning, sacrifice, and lots of space for compromise. However, single parents can do it all, and they do so every day�most often by following these tips. Make your home work for you. When you'r … [Read more...]

4 Tips For Parenting Teenagers

Having teenagers can be a big struggle. They are high-energy and often live very independent lifestyles. Once your children reach their teen years, you will face a whole new set of challenges that you didn't have to deal with when they were younger. High school can be a stressful time and sometimes teens can bring some of that stress home. Here are 4 helpful tips for parenting teens. Hire Them To Help Around The House As you get older especially, you may need extra help around your … [Read more...]

How Date Night Affects You as Parents

Unfortunately, the date nights that used to be fun and exciting can become quite complicated when children are added to the mix. Parents have a ton of responsibilities, from careers to household chores and raising children.  This makes it no great surprise that marriage therapists tell parents that they should make sure to incorporate bonding time and date nights with their partners. Even when things are hectic and it seems as if there is no time, you need to make sure you take care … [Read more...]

The Benefits Cannabis Can Bring When Parenting

It's no secret that parenthood is overwhelming as you feel the pressure of having to have it all figured out.  When you have children, you carry a heavy load as suddenly all that matters is this little person running around the house. Parents generally bear a great burden and are known for their multitasking skills and balancing home and work responsibilities. This includes sleepless nights, tantrums, and emotional outbursts, which in turn can cause them to feel anxious, wondering … [Read more...]