How To Handle Dizziness During Pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, the progesterone in your body will amplify the flow of blood to the baby resulting in low blood pressure and reduced flow of blood to the brain. As a pregnant woman, this disoriented feeling of unsteadiness or vertigo is bound to make you feel dizzy and like you would fall down flat or faint- also a common symptom of pregnancy. When does dizziness generally start during pregnancy? Dizziness, though one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, typically begins only … [Read more...]

Is Excessive Sweating Normal During Pregnancies?

Pregnancy is a crucial moment in a woman's life. It changes one's lifestyle and experience. You are not allowed to do certain things, and there are particular symptoms that pregnant women experience every day. The most common symptoms include tender and swollen breasts, nausea, vomiting, increased urination, fatigue. In some cases, pregnant women can experience moodiness, bloating, cramping, constipation, nasal congestion, and excessive sweating. Excessive Sweating When you're … [Read more...]

Key Statistics Mothers Should Know While Pregnant

Awaiting the arrival of a new baby is a joyful time, but it's not without its dangers. Your risks of preterm birth, birth injury, or loss are real. For example, the premature birth rate in the U.S. rose to 10%, between 2017 and 2018.  What's more alarming is that this rate has been steadily increasing since 2014. However, understanding those risks can help you avoid them and keep you and your baby safe. Let's look at some of those dangers and how to prevent them. Miscarriage, … [Read more...]

Gender Reveal Party Ideas to Celebrate Parenthood

So you're having a new baby - what an exciting time! Whether it's your first kid or your fifth, it's a new chapter nonetheless, and one worthy of a friend and family gathering. Nothing ushers in a new member of the family like a welcome party!   So whether you cut open a cake or skydive through pink- or blue-colored smoke clouds, it's important to relish this special time. In a culture that sometimes seems to be all about the baby's needs (and what Mom can or can't do, drink, eat, … [Read more...]

5 Unique Gifts for Newly Pregnant Moms

A beloved person you know is pregnant, and you want to be there in any way possible. You want to give this person a unique gift now that she's pregnant. The following are five unique gifts to consider giving. 1. The Baby Journal One thing you can gift is a baby journal. This will be something she could write in every day to document the experience. To make this unique, be sure to personalize the baby journal. There are a few ways you can do this, like adding the new mommy's initials. … [Read more...]

Pregnancy Test Kits an Effective Way of Protecting Yourself

If you have been scared of unintentionally conceiving, do not panic. We are fortunate to live in an era where there are numerous pregnancy test kits to protect self from unwanted pregnancy. With the help of these, you may regular keep a track of your pregnancy and avoid rushing to the doctor for major decisions.  In this article, we shall help you with some light on these pregnancy test kits and ways of how you can protect yourself with its usage. It?s worth reading the points before you … [Read more...]

Should You Continue Your Pregnancy or Get an Abortion?

Making a well-informed decision whether you should continue or pregnancy or get an abortion should solely be your own. Abortions are fairly common and people get them for various reasons. Having an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy can actually raise questions for the woman. While abortion may be a difficult decision to make, it can actually lift off the unnecessary burden from the shoulders. Some women might consider keeping the child for parenting or putting them for adoption. Talking to your … [Read more...]

What Should a Pregnant Mom Expect During the Different Trimesters?

A typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks and is marked by three trimesters: first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester. Each trimester indicates what happens in that baby's development and the changes that occur in the woman's body. Follow this guide to see what you can expect during the first few weeks up to the delivery of your new family member. Image Source: Pexels Body Changes: Weight Gain and Beyond One change every woman goes through is weight gain. The amount of weight you … [Read more...]