Quick and Easy Face Care for Busy Moms

When you have children you realise your time is not your own anymore.  Any minute you can get free or spare to yourself is as valuable as gold dust, so ensure that you use those minutes wisely (ideally to look after yourself). One thing you can and must fit in everyday is a skincare routine, no matter how minimal. So how do you keep your skin looking healthy, youthful and glowing, even if you only have a few free minutes a day? Stick to the Essentials You start by working out what … [Read more...]

One Blogger�s Awesome Skincare Ritual

Starting a skincare routine was the best thing that I ever did for my skin. For years, I was very blas� about skin care because I never had any major issues. As time went on, I realized my mistake. I started noticing subtle changes in my skin, like fine lines and redness. That's when I developed a daily skincare ritual that I've maintained for the past five years. My skincare routine isn't particularly complex, but it's the best thing for my skin, and I'm proud of it. It's simple yet effective, … [Read more...]

When Your Son Should Start a Skincare Routine

As parents, it's our job to teach our sons the fundamentals of life, from how to change a flat tire to how to pay bills on time. But one aspect of parenting boys that's often overlooked is skin care. Just like we need to emphasize good daily hygiene and cleanliness, we too need to emphasize taking care of our skin. Arming your son with the right skincare products and knowledge will help ensure that he settles into adulthood with the self-confidence needed to conquer the world! Source: New … [Read more...]

7 Korean Skin Care Tips with Nature Republic

The year 2020 is nearly ending leaving all sorts of stuff behind but Korean beauty trends are definitely not one of those. Their continuous domination worldwide not only for beauty but also for the entertainment industry has made a huge impact on the global market. With the constant development of cosmetic products using advanced technology, they are almost always ahead of everyone when it comes to the cosmetic industry.  If you're a beginner or someone looking for something good, Nature … [Read more...]

Causes of Jagged Skin and How to Treat Them

Smooth skin is a very satisfying thing. You've probably ran your fingers across a newly healed surface of skin, like after a tattoo and felt just how completely leveled and supple it feels. We all wish we have skin like that, skin that's perfectly smooth not just to the touch, but also looks that way as well. This is what cosmetic clinics aim to accomplish: give their clients that silky smooth surface that's only possible with modern medical and cosmetic advancements. And nowadays, smooth … [Read more...]

6 Skincare Ingredients Not Safe During Pregnancy

We all know that pregnancy is the most sensitive part of every women life. Any small mistake or carelessness task can lead to huge problem. So, we have to take special attention in every prospect at the time of pregnancy. And, just like other important things, skin care is another part to look at very sincerely in pregnancy time.While there is limited data on the absolute safety of most products in pregnancy, there are some ingredients that have shown negative impact on the animal studies, and … [Read more...]

Remedies For Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition where your face shows bumps that look like acne. You can notice various symptoms and also get rid of this condition by treating your skin properly and on time. Before Knowing The Remedies Of Rosacea  Symptoms One of the common symptoms is redness on your cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Sometimes you will notice redness on your neck and chest as well.  Your skin may show broken blood vessels that can thicken and swell up. Some people also get eye … [Read more...]

How to Prevent Wrinkles and Look Young Again

The most challenging aspect of aging is the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin aging signs. Some experience this earlier than others, especially people who are under a lot of stress. Wrinkles are the last thing anyone wants because they take away the look of youth. Plus, wrinkles affect confidence during social events.  If you are at this stage of life, you might be thinking of the days when you still had wrinkle-free skin. Do not worry! By reading the following tips, you … [Read more...]