Terror Attack in Modern Warfare 2: Was it Too Much?

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Many online games are subjects of public controversy, and their popularity makes them constantly debatable among parents, psychologists, and other concerned groups.

Nonetheless, fighting games in particular are hugely profitable for their creators and clearly aren’t going anywhere in the near future. Therefore, it pays to take a closer look at some of the more controversial elements and make our own assessment of just how dangerous they really are.

One particularly unsettling feature was created as part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, when players were allowed to take part in a terrorist attack on a Russian airport.

Did Infinity Ward take the action too far with this move? Or was it acting within its rights to entertain and sell its product? A closer look at the game and this component would help to address the issue.

What is modern warfare 2?

Modern Warfare 2 is the sixth iteration of the Call of Duty series. It is a first-person shooter game, initially produced in 2009 and has adapted to several different platforms since then.

The game pits American forces against the Russians, and the goal of the US Army is to defend the American capital from an invasion by Vladimir Makarov and the Russian Ultranationalist Party. US forces are led by Captain Soap MacTavish, head of Task Force 141. There are a variety of army characters that can be played, and one of the new features of the game’s second version is that it can be played in multiplayer mode.

Modern Warfare 2’s initial reception was huge. In fact, within three days of its release, it had the top-selling opening in the history of gaming, generating a record $800 million. Users praised its sophisticated maps, advanced weaponry, and a system that provided sought-after rewards for passing through its levels.

Even now, the game remains popular, and interested players can even acquire a call of duty boost to help improve their performance.

So what exactly is this much-discussed scene, and what makes it so different from any other game fight?

“No Russian”

Fighting games are always pushing the envelope when it comes to potentially taking the love of violence too far. Even simplistic shooting games were constantly debated by concerned adults about the potentially damaging psychological effects on young (and even older) players.

Terror attacks are, of course, a particularly sensitive subject in the public eye. So what happens in Modern Warfare 2 that ignited such an especially high level of criticism?

The attack scene is called

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