The 5 Most Common Causes Of Pelvic & Uterine Pain

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Pain in the pelvic region that lasts for more than a few months should always be investigated further. This is true of any pain that doesn’t have an obvious cause.

There are many reasons to have pelvic or uterine pain, most of them can be treated or managed and won’t affect your quality of life. Knowing this takes most of the fear and worry out of the issue, helping you to book an appointment with the best obstetrician Sydney and get the matter resolved.

  1. Endometriosis

This can be a very painful condition. It occurs when tissues grow outside your uterus. In fact, the tissue is very similar to that which should be lining the inside of your uterus. It will commonly grow on your ovaries and fallopian tubes. 

The pain will get worse when you have a period as hormones will increase the number of these cells. It’s likely you’ll have extreme cramping and pain for several days at the start of your period. You may also experience excessive bleeding and painful bowel movements.  

The good news is there are plenty of treatment options to resolve the issue. For women with endometriosis who experience painful sex, the use of dilators (vaginal trainers) is a viable treatment option to reduce pain with vaginal penetration. Dilation therapy with the guidance of a certified pelvic floor physical therapist can help improve sexuality, intimacy, and relationship with one’s partner.

  1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

As the name suggests this is when the tissues in your pelvis become inflamed. It often, although not always, starts after you’ve had an STD.

The pain is likely to be in your lower abdomen, you may get a fever and unusual discharge from your vagina. Pain and bleeding when you have sex are also common, as is burning when you urinate. 

Early treatment for this condition is essential to cure it before it causes any damage to your reproductive system.

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This is actually an issue with the large intestine. You’ll feel cramping, pain, bloating, and have excess gas. You can also have diarrhea and/or constipation.

It’s generally caused by your body’s inability to digest certain foods. You can develop IBS at any age. To overcome it you and your doctor will need to identify the food giving you the issue and you’ll have to remove it from your diet. 

  1. Ovarian Cysts

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that appears on or in the ovary. Many women get these cysts but they are usually small and cause no noticeable symptoms or issues.

However, if you’re in pelvic pain this can be because the cysts are large or have ruptured. This can present serious health risks and you’ll need to get urgent medical help to deal with the matter.

Regular pelvic exams can help to diagnose these before they are an issue. You can’t prevent them from happening.

  1. Urinary Tract Infection

In fact, UTA’s are surprisingly common but generally nothing to be concerned about. You do need to seek professional help as UTS’s rarely clear up by themselves. A course of antibiotics will kill the infection.

However, if you have repeated cases of urinary tract infections your doctor will want to conduct further investigations to find out what is causing them.

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