The Difference between Digital Safe and Key Safe

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Safes are among the essential security systems to store our valuables in our house or office. It is because most of us prefer to use safes to ensure the safety of crucial belongings like property documents, jewelry, money, etc.

There are two types of safe available in the market. Such as digital safe and key safe. However, you will be confused about which one to choose, digital safe or key safe.

It’s so obvious that you will find it complicated when it’s time to choose the best one if you are not familiar with the locking system. To help you with that, in this article, we will be discussing the difference between digital safe and key safe.

Which is Best Among Both of Them

Before knowing the difference between a digital safe and a key safe, you must know which one is the best choice for you. Most people like to choose the simple one, and for this reason, they decide to buy the key safe.

The key safe may look simple and easy to use, but it is more secure than the digital one. But of course, you will know the difference between the digital safe and key safe when you use it.  

Key safe

Key safes are very popular among safe users. Because key safes were used for centuries, most users were satisfied with this traditional version of safe. Key safes are also very secure and reliable to use.

Once you use them, you will fall in love with the key safe’s service and care. You will also be surprised how long the key will last without the available amount of maintenance. Like the digital safe, traditional key safe doesn’t require electronic support and maintenance.

A traditional key safe is cheaper than a digital safe, though. You can also upgrade the secure key by installing the pad dial device in place of the key. Since the conventional key safe’s only drawback is, the key can be lost.

People sometimes lose keys, and you would have to call a locksmith to unlock the safe after losing your key. If you lose the key, you may also have had to adjust the locking mechanism, because a robber has the key, without even a warning, he will be able to access the safe.

So make sure you don’t lose your key when you’re considering using a traditional key safe. Today, many people install their regular key safe in concrete walls to avoid fire and other bad weather conditions.

Digital safe

Nowadays, digital safes are so popular in the office or for a business building. You don’t even need a key to access the digital safe. All you need to remember the combination of the safe, and if you want to share the combination with someone else, you can also share them.

You can also change the combination if you think you should change them. The main advantage of digital safe is that you can be confident in safely protecting your products. There are no worries; you have to lose some secure key.

All you have to do is note the safety mix. If anyone tries to open the safety device without the exact key, the safe system is locked automatically. Only the individual can access the safe by using the same safety combination.

The digital safe, however, is more expensive than the traditional key safe. It would be best if you also keep your digital secure every year and check all programs that work properly or otherwise.

Digital safe costs can vary depending on the size you are purchasing. You can also choose the digital secure locking system, but it can be costly. The main drawback of digital safe is that if you fail to merge your safe, you’ll have to pay extra money to reset the security system.

So, Which One Should You Choose?

It is up to you to choose the right one. In general, a person who doesn’t keep passcode in mind will determine the secure key since someone does not need to remember the codes if he uses a key safe. All he has to do is safeguard the access and not lose it.

However, if a person is interested in giving multiple people safe access and having full secure access, a digital safe is for him. One thing you should know is digital protection can be compromised, and that is why the key is better than digital security.

However, if you forget the digital safe combination, you will have to hire a Slotenmaker to fix the safe combination reset. You’re also going to have to consider hiring the Keymaker if you lose the safe key. Hiring a Slotenmaker can be expensive, as they often carry expensive tools with them.


As I said, safe is one of the essential securities to have installed in your home and office. Because you might want to store some of your necessary belongings in the safe, the only concern is what kind of security system you would choose.

To help you choose the best one, I’ve already discussed the difference between a digital safe and a key safe. I hope this information will be helpful.

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