The Different Types Of Addiction Explained: A Simple Guide

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According to a study conducted by the National Institue of Health, around 10% of adults in the U.S. have or will have a drug addiction at some point in their lives. What’s more, the same study found that 75% of addicts won’t seek help.

No doubt, these are startling figures. But things don’t have to stay this way.

The first step toward a better life is education, and we’re here to help. Keep reading for a quick guide on the different types of addiction and find out how you or a loved one can seek help today.

Substance Addiction

Substance abuse is what comes to mind when most people think of addiction. Some of the most common forms of substance addiction include:

  • Alcoholism
  • Opioid abuse
  • Tobacco use disorder
  • Prescription medication misuse
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Methamphetamine addiction

Substance abuse may be common, but that doesn’t make it any less deadly. Each year, alcoholism alone kills 3.3 million people across the globe.

If that isn’t concerning enough, the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that substance abuse costs the U.S. roughly $740 billion due to crime, loss of productivity, and more.

Behavioral Addictions

How often have you referred to yourself as a workaholic? Or said that you’re addicted to shopping? These may be silly, off-hand jokes, but both are examples of behavioral addictions, in which a person becomes dependant on a certain mindset and pattern of behaviors.

Relatively little is known about behavioral addiction compared to substance abuse, but psychologists agree that behavioral disorders are just as dangerous as drinking or drug use.

Here are some everyday behaviors you may engage in that could be addicting in certain circumstances:

  • Work
  • Sex
  • Internet
  • Gaming
  • Eating
  • Exercise
  • Spending

The tricky thing about behavioral addiction is that unlike substances, it’s hard to flat-out ignore most of these behaviors. You have to work, for instance, to make a living and pay your bills.

Tips For Finding Help

Though addiction drastically differs from person to person, there is one thing that each type shares in common: help is out there. That help comes in the form of rehab facilities, which employ a highly-dedicated team of professionals who look after patients and guide them toward sobriety.

And no matter what you’re looking for, there’s a rehab facility that caters to your unique needs and personality. From beachfront Drug Rehab facilities to secluded cabin getaways, you can get sober in your environment of choice.

You can even choose between an inpatient facility, which allows patients to stay, or an outpatient facility. The latter can be helpful if you’re supporting a family, for instance. But rest assured, whichever type of rehabilitation you choose, you’ll get great treatment.

Check: Addiction Treatment in Ohio

Your Guide To The Different Types of Addiction

We hope this guide to the different types of addiction helped, whether you’re looking to learn or you’re ready to take the first step toward sobriety.

If you’re concerned about your well-being or the well-being of a loved one, reach out and contact a medical professional, who will be able to better guide you.

And in the meantime, you can learn more about the ups and downs of life at our blog! We’re always posting helpful content, so be sure to check back often.

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