The Ideal Design of the Polo Shirt Fits the Modern Business World

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There has been a slow but steady change in the business world over the past generation. The polo shirt is starting to become the office uniform of choice. Many other changes have encouraged this relaxation of the old standard office-type wear of pressed trousers and collared dress shirts for men.

For one thing, the modern office is becoming much less strict in its system of hierarchies and rankings. People are using titles as job descriptions instead of status symbols. The office has become a much more pleasant and egalitarian place to work. The use of the polo shirt, for both men and women, simply continues this trend towards an easing of formalities in the workplace. 

Redefining the Workplace and Attitudes

Walk into any modern office these days, and you’re likely to find senior managers hard at work on their laptops at a table filled with other employees. The corner office is going the way of the three-martini lunch as companies get more competitive. With this focus on the end-game comes a relaxation of the rules when it comes to appropriate dress. 

Dressing to impress isn’t as important as it was in the days of Mad Men. Business people today value a balanced work life and home life and seek to eliminate as much stress as possible from both. The rewards in this type of competitive office environment are higher salaries, lower blood pressure levels, and healthier lives.  

Casual Yet Smart

As some level of decorum is still expected in the office, especially in older and more established companies, the office polo shirts tend to be in muted colors and don’t have a lot of controversial or flashy printed slogans or designs on them.

But as the senior managers of today often wore a polo shirt whenever they could get away with it at the beginning of their careers, the shirt has come to be accepted as the most comfortable option. It’s casual but smart. And it’s become accepted wear when meeting and greeting valued clients and suppliers, who may be wearing a polo shirt as well. 

The laptop computer has also had an effect on the functions of the modern office. The trend towards being mobile and working wherever is comfortable was brought on by the ease of taking your work with you wherever you go. Adopting a more casual style of dress seems to go right along with this ability to adapt to change your work location. 

Expanding on Casual Fridays

More and more companies are introducing the concept of “casual Fridays” into their office environment in a bid to boost office morale and make their employees happier in their work. But as this concept gains traction, you’ll find that many companies are asking themselves why they have to have a dress code at all.

Go out and buy yourself some quality polo shirts and then get comfortable in your work environment. You may find that you’re more productive than ever before.     

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