The Predatory Business of Selling Addictive Sugary Products To Kids

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Anything in excess is toxic, and this applies to food as well. We must have faint memories of our childhood where we were not allowed to eat as many sweets as we liked or when we see parents now being extra conscious of their child’s sugar intake. This may seem like an extreme measure for many people, but when we look at the health reasons behind it, we see that the parents who do so are indulging in good parenting habits and should be encouraged more. Excess sugar intake can lead to health issues, including allergies and skin conditions like eczema in kids.

Predatory selling

Companies making sugary products often target children as their primary market and their source of profit generation. This cashing on children’s vulnerability is what makes these companies successful and whoever succeeds in creating an addiction to their product is a victor. In between all of this market competitions are children and their healths that are being compromised. These products are also cheaper than any healthy alternatives, so it is not just the attractive packaging that makes kids force their parents to buy these for them, but also the low price. Sadly, most parents buy these too because of how this fits in their budget. 

How it affects your body 

Excess sugar intake or taking up sugars not required by your body can damage your brain. A child that has a high intake of sugar products is likely to suffer from some form of memory loss in the long run because excess sugar hinders your capability to memorise. The worst-case scenario could also be Alzheimer’s in your later years or being diagnosed with ADHD in your childhood. 

Most people must have heard that sugary food makes children hyper and may worsen their mood. This is not all far from the truth, which is why your favourite childhood candy was probably never meant for you to eat as a child. Unfortunately, there is also a chance that your child’s greatest calorie intake is coming from these sugary products that are junk food as well, so add no nutritional value to their diets. 

Poison for the body 

Sugar has a somewhat similar reaction to what alcohol has to your body. Both are unnecessary for the human body and add nothing to it. Sugar, similar to alcohol, can become dangerous if taken in large quantities. Sugar gets broken down in the liver and stored as fats and triglycerides. This would not be an issue on a normal day, however, this poses more significant risks when sugar is consumed in large amounts, thus leading to the liver creating extra fat. This is harmful to children because sugar can also be addictive, and if your sugar intake is high, you are probably damaging your liver, becoming obese, and fatty liver diseases that non-alcoholics have. This disease results in people needing a liver transplant to survive. 

It is crucial for companies to realise their role in the community and not resort to mass advertising of such products. The marketing campaigns are usually false as they portray these foods as healthy when they pose greater risks to children. 

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