The Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Young Adults: A Helpful Guide

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Despite the stigma associated with depression, more people have this mental disorder than you might realize. In fact, over 264 million people in the world suffer from depression. It impacts people of all ages, too, including young adults.

Everyone feels a little down at times. Major depressive disorder, however, can change your life. You might notice you’ve lost interest in the hobbies you once loved or people you care about.

Are you worried that you or a loved one is suffering from depression? It can help to understand what to look for. Here are some of the most common signs of depression in young adults.

By learning what depression feels like, you can determine when to seek professional help.

Keep reading to discover the common signs of depression.


First, it’s important to note that the symptoms of depression in young adults can vary between each patient. For many people, however, depression impacts their:

  • Ability to perform activities each day
  • Willingness to interact with people
  • Desire to go to work or school

Many people who are suffering from depression recognize a sense of hopelessness in their lives. 

Major depression impacts how you feel about your life as a whole. Since it’s a mood disorder, depression commonly causes a hopeless outlook on life. You might also feel:

  • Inappropriate guilt
  • Hate toward yourself
  • A sense of worthless

Many people have recurring thoughts that they may or may not vocalize. These can include “What’s the point?”

The symptoms associated with depression usually feed off one another. As a result, the severity of each symptom will become more intense the longer you go without treatment.

Increased Fatigue

You might start to feel more exhausted each day as a result of your depression. Overwhelming fatigue can cause you to lose interest in or lack the energy for activities you once loved. This symptom of depression can become debilitating and impact your entire quality of life. 

Excessive sleeping is a common symptom of depression as well. You might develop insomnia. The inability to get a restful nights’ sleep can increase your anxiety levels, too. 


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the country. In fact, over 40 million adults in the country have an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, about half of the people diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are also diagnosed with depression. 

Anxiety-related symptoms include:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Feeling tense
  • Feelings of dread, panic, or danger
  • Heavy sweating
  • Trouble focusing
  • Muscle twitching

If you recognize these symptoms, make sure to speak with a doctor. They’ll help you determine what depression feels like and if it’s causing your anxiety symptoms.

Your doctor will likely start you on a medication like Abilify. Make sure to review your treatment options with a doctor first. Another option could be to make use of a treatment centre like Honey Lake or the many others that are out there to help those that are struggling.

Loss of Interest

Many people grow apathetic as their depression worsens. You might stop finding pleasure in the activities you once enjoyed. You might abandon your routine and hobbies as well.

Remember, many of the symptoms associated with depression stack atop one another. For example, losing interest in activities like exercising can lead to weight gain. You might also lose interest in relationships, which can lead to isolation. 

Your increased fatigue could also lead to isolation or encourage you to abandon the hobbies you once loved. 

Weight Gain or Loss

People with depression often notice fluctuations in their weight. Again, this symptom usually depends on a patient-by-patient basis.

For example, some people experience an increased appetite. As a result, you might gain weight. This symptom along with fatigue and apathy can lead to additional weight gain.

Other people, however, don’t feel as hungry. Instead, they withdraw and begin losing weight. 

Have you recently changed your diet? If not, your weight changes might have a connection to your mental health.

Mood Swings

Does it feel like you’re no longer in control of your emotions? One minute, you might burst with anger. The next, you realize you’re crying and unable to stop. 

Usually, there aren’t any external forces that prompt this change.

Instead, your emotions fluctuate all over the place because of depression. 

You might realize you’re crying more frequently without reason. For women who were recently pregnant, crying spells can indicate post-partum depression.

Are you noticing this behavior over the span of days or a few weeks? Mood swings usually indicate a more serious health condition. Make sure to speak with a doctor if you begin experiencing mood swings.

They can help you determine if your symptoms indicate depression or another problem.


Some people feel overwhelmed with sadness or emptiness when they first experience depression symptoms. As a result, you might feel the need to withdrawal yourself from friends and family members. Your loss of interest in people and anxiety can lead to social isolation, too.

However, one of the best ways to fight your depression is to surround yourself with support. Make sure to find the help you need before your symptoms get worse.


Guilt can also indicate depression in young adults. Depression occurs when you have an imbalance of chemicals in your brain. As a result, you might start to blame yourself for your symptoms instead of realizing it’s all chemical.

Are you blaming yourself for situations that aren’t your fault? If self-blame is becoming a norm for you, you might be depressed.


Some people don’t withdraw or feel guilty. Instead, they become easily frustrated. Even small issues can cause fits of anger.

This depression symptom usually occurs as a result of fatigue and heightened tension. 

Men usually become more volatile or aggressive. Women, on the other hand, report more mood swings, moving from angry to tearful within minutes.

Pain and Discomfort

You might experience more of the physical indicators of depression.

For example, you might begin experienced decreased pain tolerance. Instead, it will feel like everything hurts more often. You might experience aching muscles all over or increased back pain as well.

Headaches, eye problems, and stomach pain are all common indicators of depression, too.

If you begin noticing a combination of these symptoms, make sure to see a doctor.

What Depression Feels Like: Signs of Depression in Young Adults

Don’t wait to get the help you need! Instead, use this guide to gain a better understanding of what depression feels like. As you notice these signs of depression in young adults, don’t neglect to see a doctor.

They can get you started on a proper treatment before your symptoms get worse.

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