The Truth About Grass Seed For Northern Virginia Is About To Be Revealed

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Whether you’re planting tomatoes, squash, lettuce or any other leafy vegetables, your best option for fertilization is Grass Seed for Northern Virginia. There are so many great benefits to be had by growing your own plants, including healthy soil, disease resistance and yield, to name a few. As you may know, when you garden, your soil is the foundation on which the garden rests. This is true not only for vegetables but for fruits, flowers, herbs, ornamental grasses, and nearly everything else that can be planted and grown in a garden.

Many people opt for traditional grass varieties because they are native to the area and have generally always been used. However, the fact is, many common lawns and gardens throughout the world are losing moisture and nutrients to ever increasing temperatures. These conditions are ideal for fast growing, drought tolerant perennial species like Panicum and Artemisia. In order to help plants cope with these changing environments, many varieties of grasses, such as Florette and St. Augustine, now offer eco-friendly alternatives. The new environmentally friendly variety of grasses, Grass Seed for Northern Virginia, contains no chemicals, herbicides, or pesticides. They work well in sunny and cool weather conditions, with annual growth capped at three feet, allowing for an extremely versatile lawn.


The first benefit to be gained by cultivating Grass Seed for Northern Virginia is increased soil fertility. Because this variety of grasses grow quickly, the result is more consistent soil, which helps reduce the need for additional water. As air temperatures warm, the soil’s ability to hold water is also diminished, causing the lawns in the morning hours to become dry and cracked.

Grass seed for Northern Virginia is a perfect solution for the early spring when topdressing has just begun to die down. Your lawn should be in good shape by mid April, and the beautiful green grass can help set the tone for the rest of the season. However, seeding before mid-season can give you the best results. Grass seed aerators are easy and inexpensive to use during the spring. You can make a schedule of when you will spread the seeds, or you can simply leave them until the last few days of spring, when you can aerate the lawn.

Grass Seed for Northern Virginia

When you choose Grass Seed for Northern Virginia, you need to select a variety that can handle high soil temperatures during the spring. The best grasses in this area are those that can tolerate temperatures of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or better. If the temperatures dip just a little lower than that, the sod will not grow well. There are dozens of different seed germination kits available in Northern Virginia. You can purchase the seeds, separate the clippings, and plant grass in the spring.

Start your lawn care in early spring

When you start your lawn care in early spring, you will need to pull out all existing weeds and prepare the soil for the upcoming weed control. After removing the weeds, make sure you have removed all rocks, roots, and other debris from around the perimeter of your property. Once this is finished, aerate the soil to help water and nutrient transfer through your grass seed blends. If you are planning to use herbicides or pesticides, make sure they will be completely dissolved before using them on your lawn.

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