These Tips Will Help Save Your Family Money This Winter

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Are you one of the many looking to save cash amid the pandemic? Even if you weathered the storm okay, the events of the past year taught many to get more careful with their cash. 

With the cold season here, you probably spend a bundle on keeping your home comfortable. How can you cut costs? Here are eight tips that will help save your family money this winter. 

1. Maintain Your HVAC System

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you should swap out your home’s air filters every 60 to 90 days, but you might need more frequent changes. Those who smoke or have multiple pets may need to change theirs like clockwork when they make their mortgage or rent payment.

Also, pay attention to signs that your furnace needs to be replaced, particularly if you live in an older home. If your unit is more than 15-years-old, it could start to lose efficiency, costing you money each month. Younger furnaces that needed repair within the past two years may likewise be past their prime.

2. Take Down Your Curtains 

During the summer, curtains do a passable job of blocking radiant heat, but they prevent you from taking advantage of passive solar over the winter months. However, window tinting keeps your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, all while reducing UV ray’s damaging effects on your furniture and flooring.

Tossing your window coverings also helps you take advantage of natural light in your home. If you work a nontraditional shift, you can keep your blackout blinds in the bedroom, where cooler temperatures help you sleep more soundly, anyway. 

3. Bake at Night 

Have you ever read a recipe that specifies what time of day you need to make your dish? If you are preparing a roast or baked sweets, why not wait until the sun sets to let the oven’s heat take some of the burden off your HVAC system? 

If nighttime baking holds little appeal, try prepping the day before and getting the oven going first thing in the morning. Temperatures actually dip right after dawn

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