Things Men Think About But Don’t Say Out Loud

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What do men really think about? To this day, many women believe that men are complex and hard to understand. But the truth is that men are very simple creatures; the only issue is that it is hard for them to express themselves. Men usually need to trust and have an established emotional connection with someone to be able to open up. So to help you better understand the men in your life, we have decided to let you in on a few secrets. 

Read on to know what men really think about, but don’t usually say out loud. 

Their Appearance  

Many women assume men are exempt from body insecurities. Men from a young age put on a front to appear confident at all times, but the truth is that men think about their appearance just as much as women do. They also feel insecure about parts of their body, whether they are tall enough, have muscles, or have a good head of hair. It is even harder for a man to open up about these insecurities as men tend to not share this even with their best buddies. 

Their Need for Sexual Intimacy

Men struggle to let their partners know that they have a need for sexual intimacy for fear of being judged. However, sexual intimacy is very important to a man in a relationship because it helps him feel emotionally connected to his partner. This is why after a fight, men typically might try to connect with their significant others through physical intimacy. 

Whether Their Partners Are Satisfied 

Sexual performance is directly connected to a man’s self-esteem, and men often worry that they are not sexually satisfying their partners. A man will hardly ever express his thoughts and fears regarding his sexual performance. He will look for ways to last longer in the bedroom to make sure his partner is pleased as he often worries about the quality of his sex life. He wants a little spontaneity and variety in sexual intimacy just as much as you do, but it is easy for a man to get into a routine with repetitive positions, which makes him worry that his partner wants more. 

Whether Their Partner Desires Them

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