Things Your Home Says About Your Overall Health

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If you have a good head of hair then it’s likely that you are looking at it on a daily basis when you wake up in the morning and when you’re going out with your friends on the weekend. Many people talk about having a bad hair day and it happens to the best of us including the many celebrities all around the world. There are other things however that our hair is telling us about and depending on how your hair looks, it’s texture and its thickness, it can be a sign of other health conditions that you may not be aware of. Much like when you go to your optician for an eye exam, your optician can see other health issues that may be going on behind them. Some of the issues with your hair can be due to genetics, you might be highly stressed due to your job or you might have some kind of nutritional deficiency.

If the issues are not obvious to you then an appointment at Hickenbick Hair UK will give you an idea if you’re having any issues because these seasoned professionals know everything there is to know about hair and they can give you the best advice possible. The good news is that if you are experiencing any loss then they provide excellent hair extensions that can help to hide the symptoms until your doctor gives you something to clear it all up. There are a number of things that your hair can tell you about your health and the following are just some of those.

Grey hair may be stress

Your hair could be going grey purely due to stress issues and it might also be a generic issue as well. If your father or mother experienced grey hair at an early age then you can probably be pretty sure that is part of your genetics and it is completely natural and not due to your hair care regime. On the other hand, if you are leading a high stress life where you are working long hours and are constantly under pressure from your boss then the likelihood is that your hair is turning grey because your stress levels are much too high.

Hair loss & protein deficiency

It is well known that you need to be consuming healthy protein in order to ensure that your hair is healthy and that it is growing back quickly. Any health professional will tell you that if your hair is starting to thin or you are starting to lose it, then there is likelihood that you may have a protein deficiency problem. You probably need to increase your portions of good protein like chicken breast, chickpeas and non-fat Greek yoghurt.

There are a number of other health issues that you could be experiencing and your hair can tell you about it and straightforward things like white or yellow flakes could mean that you have dandruff, but your hair could be hiding other health problems. It may also be that you are using dyes at home and hot hair irons that are compromising the strength of your hair follicles.

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