Tips and Tricks To Avoid Facing Menopause Alone

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Going through the menopause can be an unsettling, and sometimes a lonely, experience. The feeling of your body changing can be daunting, and can often leave you feeling as if you have a lack of control.

We cannot stop the menopause; it is a natural and needed event in every woman’s life. However, we can all take action to make the experience a little less daunting and difficult. 

Ensuring that your body is getting all that it needs as it changes is vital to good health. Let’s take a look at some top tips and tricks to help you face menopause with strength and a sense of peace.

1. Maintain a healthy weight 

The NHS claims that the hormones working in your body during the menopause may contribute to weight gain, and for this reason, it’s important to ensure that you are eating a healthy diet and performing plenty of exercise. You don’t have to spend hours sweating in the gym; just a simple walk each day will help. Taking a walk with a friend is even more beneficial as it will also give you the chance to talk about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing.

2. Eat fresh food 

When your body is working hard, it is important to supply it with healthy, fresh, and natural food. To maintain strong muscles and support the immune system, the NHS advises eating foods rich in Vitamin D3, such as salmon, trout, and sardines. Alternatively, you can take a vitamin D3 supplement each day to safeguard your intake.

3. Maintain good levels of calcium 

It has long been known that calcium provides us with healthy teeth, nails and bones. Similarly to the benefits of vitamin D3, taking a calcium supplement will contribute to the strength of your bones. Vitamin D3 aids calcium absroption, so taking both these minerals will be very beneficial.

4. Prioritise sleep 

During menopause, your body is working hard. Therefore, it is important to give it plenty of time to rest and repair. As we sleep, the body is busily working to address the energy that we have used during the day, and also to grow new cells. However, many women going through the menopause find getting to sleep and staying asleep a challenge.

A natural nightly supplement will help you to enjoy a peaceful sleep. Look for supplements with natural ingredients as they will offer you the calm and natural support you need to sleep. It is also a good idea to look for a supplement with added vitamins and minerals as taking these before sleep will ensure that the body has all it needs as it works.

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