Tips and Tricks When Doing a Garden Makeover

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So you’re thinking about sprucing up your garden or yard a little? Maybe you’ve found that you’re using your outdoor space a little differently lately. Maybe you’re just spending more time out there. Maybe this has been on your to-do list for ages and you’re finally getting around to it.

Whatever the reason for making over your garden, there are a few simple tips and tricks you can use to make sure you’re pleased with the results.

Start With The Big Work First

Don’t get caught up in the little details of your garden space until you’ve tackled the bigger things you want to change. This includes things like leveling or raising ground, having stones or masonry laid, building fences, removing trees or stumps, and having a deck or patio work done. All of these tasks are difficult and likely require extra hands or professional help, particularly tree removal, which can be extremely dangerous if not done correctly. All of these things should be done before you get into perfecting your yard or garden. This is because bigger garden work can change the shape or structure of your yard and therefore what you can or want to do with it.

Beyond the structural changes, bigger landscaping work can also be tough on plants and grasses. You don’t want to spend a ton of time tending to that perfect grass sod you carefully picked out, only to have half of it torn up when you have a deeply rooted stump removed.

Keep Your Location In Mind

When choosing plants, bushes, flowers, and trees, it’s always worth researching what is local to your area. Plants that grow naturally where you are, will be far easier to maintain as they are used to the water levels, soil makeup, and weather conditions in your yard.

A beautiful benefit of local plants is that they support the ecosystem in your area. The type of birds, bees, butterflies, and insects that live in your area will work with these plants, instead of against them. We all know how important the bees are and how much they’ve been struggling lately. Choosing a local plant can help out your local bees.

You can even research which plants draw which animals. Maybe you want a ton of butterflies in your yard. There are flowers for that. Maybe you love hummingbirds. There are flowers for them too. Choosing your plants with local wildlife in mind can produce magical results.

Think About Maintenance

When choosing what to include in your garden makeover, make sure you consider how much work it’s going to take for you to maintain it. If you hate the idea of weeding every weekend for every summer to come, maybe don’t install a pathway that will need to be constantly weeded to look lovely. Make sure to put Outdoor daybed in that garden area where it does not bother you.

Is your area particularly dry during the summers? How do you feel about having to water the garden every evening to keep it flourishing? (During the height of summer, it’s always best to water at cooler times of day, because that way, the water doesn’t evaporate before your precious plants have the time to drink it up).

How do you feel about raking leaves come autumn? This might change which type of tree you consider. Are you down with spending an hour every Saturday mowing the lawn? Maybe a paved section with a little table will reduce the workload. One especially important thing to consider is who is going to be doing the maintenance. Much like buying a pet for a child, we might have unrealistic expectations of those we live with when it comes to the chores associated with gardening. If you’re expecting help from a spouse or partner or teenager, make sure you speak about these choices with them before you start the makeover.

There you have it. Three incredibly simple, but important tips to keep in mind when you’re looking to revamp your garden or yard. We know time outdoors is healthy and soothing, let’s try to keep it that way by making sure our garden makeovers don’t leave us with unnecessary headaches or hours of work.

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